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Q: What is pomote in Google adword and adsense for advertisement?
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How do you pomote online home decoration business?

The best way is through a website that you create around your business... a website that features articles about your services. This is long term growth.But if you want to promote locally, try Google AdWords. Go to and select the Adwords link on the left. With Adwords you can target your ads by local region and pay only pennies per click. However, you will still need some kind of website to point your ad to. It can be as simple as a one page contact page, but to pay the lowest per click, you need good relevant content on your page.Learn more at my blog below:

Was napoleon an an enlightened ruler or a tyrant?

(a) Napoleon was one of the greatest rulers who ever lived.Napoleon was typical of the enlightenment- creative, imaginative, sceientific and ready to perceive things in a different and non-traditional light. He claimed that he is the true son of the French Revolution. Napeolon was a savoir who carried liberty, equality, and fraternity; he thought that he brought the unity of the France.In 1799, the directory fall, and Napoleon became the first consul in the new government of Consulat, which brought political stability to France by instutitoinalizing strong executive authoriy.The constitution of 1799 gave service to universal suffrage; indirect election for each political institution reduced the political body of the nation to a small number of notables. It was submitted to voters in a plevisite, more than 99% of all male electorate apporved it. The plebiscite became a fundamental Napolianic institution embodying his principle of 'authouity from above, confidence from below'.He made peace with the Catholic Church bringing it under state supervison. He believed the church should not have an institutional role in the affairs of state. Still believed, that there is no way than religion to encourage morality. In 1801 he signed a Concordat with the papacy that helped solidfy some of the changes brought by revoulation. Declared the Catholsim the major religion of the state, the concord helped to restore ecclesiastical influence in France. He granted the protestans and Jew state protection to practice their religion, freedom of the religion for both religions.Napeolon is claimed to be an ever restless spirit, worked hard and rested a little. Although he brought stiblity to France, it was still at war with the Second Coalition: the Great Britan, Austria and Russia. In these wars he achieved a serious of victories that confrired his brilliance as a military strategist and tactician. He had forged a great empire the largest in Europe.Almost 2 million men served in or allied with Napeolon's army. He incouraged French nationalism to win the commitment of his armies. His soldiers were very loyal to him. Naplean's genius was his ability to organize, oversee, and assure the supplying of and communicatin between larger armies than had ever before been effective on moving them more rapidly.He combined infantry, cavalry, and artillery and he sub-divide his armies into corps each with its own sense of pride and morale. His ability to pomote able marshals and to inspire officers and foot soldier scared his enimes. He brilliantly assessed the opposing army's weakest points.Nepealon tried to make state adminsitration more efficient and uniform. His aggrassive conquest brought centrally contronlled bureaucratic government a properly based legal system to much of the continent so he can also be called as an embodiment of 'enlightened absultism'.He created a hierarchy based on service to the state rather to blood. This hirearchy was mainly based on the army, bureacracy (a group of young, bright and apprentice) and on wonership of property.He has established the bank of France in 1800s which facilitated the state's ability to borrow money. He made collection of taxes easy. Education was also important for him as he created the first public univesity of France and incouraged the study of political and moral opinions.His geartest acheivement was on establishing and consecrating the rule of reason. His Napealonic code, proclaimed equality of all people before the law (favering, however, men over women), personal freedom, and the inviolability of property, feerdom of worship.Finally, his reforms build upon the French revolution, extended over the states conquerd by his imperial armies. He is considderd one of the most brillant leaders in modern history.(b) Napoleon was an imperialist tyrant.Napeolon was more than an optimist; he believed that his wildest dreams of conquest and empire would inevitably become reality. Every one feard his rages although he could be surprisingly understanding and gerous toward subordinates when he believed they erred .A man of monumental stubbornness, he delegated very little meaningful authoity, mistrusting even his closest advisers but he tolerated opposing viewpoints. His style of leadership became ever more tyrannical, he made up his own mind and that mind invaribly chose war. He put aban to sevral news papers. No freedom of press.No longer he was satisfied with the title of first consul; in 1802 he became "consul for life". He decided to establich a hereditary empire in France. Emigres who truned to France, led him to act against the Bourbons, and to expedite his plan to became emperor.The Tribunate, senate and the people approved the change from the Consulat to an empire. Napoleon was no more suited to live with the peace, he wanted to defeat. So was gelous of Britain's naval and commercial supremacy in the Mediterranean and the Western Hemisphere, he began to call Britain to another war.In 1802, he restored French control of Haiti and reinstituted slavery in the Frech colonies. In order to recover the financial losses from battles he sold the huge Louisiiana Territory to the USA in 1803.Austria challenged Napoleon by invading Bavaria, he moved rapidly against Vienna, capturing the Habsburg capital and also defeated many other places.Napeolon's position in Europe seemed invincible, through conquest the establishment of satellite states and allians with smaller powers; he had constructe a vast empire.Beyond the French borders the empire was based on an imperical system in which Napoleon made his relatives and marshals head of states. He gave the throne of Westphai, to his brother, made his other brother the king of Holland. His brother Joseph became king of Naples and later king of Spain. French conquest helped awaken nationalism in the German states and Spain.About 2 million men served in his armies, about 90000 died in battle and more than 3times that number wounded or diseased; over 600000 were later recorded prisoners or disappeared. In all his armies 1, 5 have suffered casualities. The Napoleonic wars killed about one in five of all Frenchmen.Napoleon stated that "death is nothing, but live defeated and without glory is to die every day."