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Q: What is pre-colonial society in the Philippines?
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How laws were made in precolonial period in the Philippines?

During the precolonial period, Filipinos form their own community, system of education, and religious belief. Laws were made by chieftains and the elders in precolonial period in the Philippines.

Precolonial period of the Philippines?

The precolonial period of the Philippines refers to the time before the arrival of Spanish colonizers in the 16th century. During this time, various indigenous societies and cultures thrived in the archipelago, with some areas organized into chiefdoms, kingdoms, or sultanates. Trade, agriculture, and animist beliefs were prominent aspects of precolonial Filipino societies.

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Precolonial Ibo society is described as acephalous because the Ibo did not have one state or one ruler for all the Ibo. Instead, each Ibo village was autonomous.

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Mission Society of the Philippines was created in 1965.

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What is the importance of riddles to the filipino during the precolonial era?

Riddles were important in the precolonial Philippines as they served as a form of entertainment, intellectual exercise, and cultural preservation. They were used to challenge one's wit, share knowledge, and pass down stories and traditions through generations. Riddles also played a role in social gatherings and celebrations, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie.

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Definition of Precolonial political system in Nigeria?

1 The Hausa/Fulani Political Administration 2 The Yoruba Political Society 3 The Igbo Traditional Politics

As in many African societies was a vital part of precolonial Igbo culture?

In precolonial Igbo culture, the extended family system, known as the "ọsụ," was a vital and central aspect of their society. This system emphasized the importance of kinship ties, mutual support, and communal living among members of the same lineage or clan. Through the ọsụ, individuals shared resources, upheld traditions, and collectively addressed societal issues, fostering a sense of unity and identity within the community.