

What is pre-sifted?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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Q: What is pre-sifted?
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If the recipe asks for all purpose flour presifted what does that mean?

Sift the all purpose flour before measuring it

What are some nine letter words with 1st letter P and 5th letter I and 6th letter F and 7th letter T?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern P---IFT--. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter P and 5th letter I and 6th letter F and 7th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are: presifted

How many cups in 2.5 kg of presifted flour?

You cant accurately say because flour is a powder and settles when it is packaged - what you could do is, measure out a cup, weigh it, and then use that number to ascertain the bags volume. So say the cup was 150g, divide the 2500grams by 150 and you'll get a pretty good estimate of how many cups in there. But it will by no means be dead on accurate - remember the flour at the bottom will be more compacted than the flour at the top.

What are some nine letter words with 1st letter P and 4th letter S and 6th letter F and 7th letter T?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern P--S-FT--. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter P and 4th letter S and 6th letter F and 7th letter T. In alphabetical order, they are: presifted

What are some nine letter words with 2nd letter R and 3rd letter E and 6th letter F?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 9 words with the pattern -RE--F---. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter R and 3rd letter E and 6th letter F. In alphabetical order, they are: breakfast dreadfuls predefine preinform prereform presifted pressfats pressfuls wreckfish

What are some nine letter words with 2nd letter R and 6th letter F and 9th letter D?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 7 words with the pattern -R---F--D. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter R and 6th letter F and 9th letter D. In alphabetical order, they are: brutified crucified frutified gratified presifted prosified transfard

What is raw material of all purpose flour?

All-purpose flour is made from a blend of high-gluten hard wheat and low-gluten soft wheat. It's a fine-textured flour milled from the inner part of the wheat kernel and contains neither the germ (the sprouting part) nor the bran (the outer coating). U.S. Law requires that all flours not containing wheat germ must have,, and iron added. (Individual millers sometimes also add vitamins A and D.) These flours are labeled All-purpose flour comes in two basic forms-bleached and unbleached-that can be used interchangeably. Flour can be bleached either naturally, as it ages, or chemically. Most flour on the market today is presifted, requiring only that it be stirred, then spooned into a measuring cup and leveled off.

What is all purpose flour?

All-purpose flour is made from a blend of high-gluten hard wheat and low-gluten soft wheat. It's a fine-textured flour milled from the inner part of the wheat kernel and contains neither the germ (the sprouting part) nor the bran (the outer coating). U.S. Law requires that all flours not containing wheat germ must have niacin, riboflavin, thiamin and iron added. (Individual millers sometimes also add vitamins A and D.) These flours are labeled "enriched." All-purpose flour comes in two basic forms-bleached and unbleached-that can be used interchangeably. Flour can be bleached either naturally, as it ages, or chemically. Most flour on the market today is presifted, requiring only that it be stirred, then spooned into a measuring cup and leveled off.

Pineapple-Carrot-Coconut-Walnut Cake?

Ingredients1 1/2 c Vegetable oil2 c Sugar4 Eggs2 3/4 c Presifted flour(may need 3c) 2 ts Baking soda1 ts Cinnamon1/2 ts Salt1 ts Vanilla1 cn Unsweetened crushedPineapple; well-drained 2 c Grated carrots6 oz Finely chopped walnuts1 cn Unsweetened coconutCream cheese frosting 8 oz Cream cheese, softened1/2 c Butter; softened1 tb Cocoa1 lb Box confectioners sugarPreheat oven to 350 degrees. Beat oil, sugar and eggs together. Add dry ingredients; blend thoroughly. Add remaining ingredients; mix well. Turn into two 5x9-inch greased and floured pans. Bake for approximately 60 to 70 minutes. Combine cream cheese and butter. Blend in cocoa and sugar; mix well. Can be baked in a well oiled 10-inch tube pan for 1 hour and 20 minutes instead of loaf pans. Fold in 2 cups banana slices in place of carrots for a different flavor; do not beat.

How do you sift sugar without a sifter?

You can measure out the amount of flour that you need by spooning it out into a measuring cup. Then pour the flour into a mixing bowl and whisk it with a wire whisk or a fork for about a minute. Or you could shake it out through a colander if you have one.

What are some words that have the beginning pre?

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prepack, prepaid, prepare, prepays, prepill, preplan, prepped, preppie, prepreg, prepuce, prerace, preriot, prerock, presage, presale, presell, present, presets, preshow, preside, presift, presoak, presold, presong, presort, pressed, presser, presses, pressor, prester, prestos, presume, pretape, preteen, pretend, pretest, pretext, pretors, pretrim, pretype, pretzel, prevail, prevent, preview, previse, prevued, prevues, prewarm, prewarn, prewash, prework, prewrap, prexies, preyers, preying8-letter wordspreached, preacher, preaches, preacted, preadapt, preadmit, preadopt, preadult, preallot, preamble, prearmed, preaudit, preavers, preaxial, prebasal, prebends, prebills, prebinds, prebless, preboils, prebound, precasts, precavae, precaval, preceded, precedes, precents, precepts, precheck, prechill, precieux, precinct, precious, precipes, precised, preciser, precises, precited, preclean, preclear, preclude, precoded, precodes, precooks, precools, precrash, precured, precures, predated, 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precomputed, precomputer, precomputes, preconceive, preconcerts, preconquest, precreasing, precritical, predacities, predeceased, predeceases, predecessor, predefining, predelivery, predestined, predestines, prediabetes, prediabetic, predicables, predicament, predicating, predication, predicative, predicatory, predictable, predictably, predictions, predigested, predisposed, predisposes, prednisones, predoctoral, predominant, predominate, predrilling, predynastic, preelecting, preelection, preelectric, preemergent, preeminence, preemptions, preenacting, preerecting, preexistent, preexisting, prefascists, prefectural, prefectures, preferences, preferments, prefiguring, prefinanced, prefinances, prefocusing, prefocussed, prefocusses, prefranking, prefreezing, prefreshman, prefreshmen, prefrontals, pregnancies, preharvests, preheadache, prehensions, prehistoric, prehominids, preignition, preinvasion, prejudgment, prejudicial, prejudicing, prelections, prelibation, preliminary, prelimiting, preliterary, preliterate, preluncheon, prelusively, premarriage, prematurely, prematurity, premaxillae, premaxillas, premeasured, premeasures, premedieval, premeditate, premiership, premodified, premodifies, premoistens, premonished, premonishes, premonition, premonitory, premunition, prenominate, prenotified, prenotifies, prenumbered, preoccupied, preoccupies, preordained, preordering, prepackaged, prepackages, preparation, preparative, preparators, preparatory, prepayments, preplanning, preplanting, preportions, preposition, prepositive, prepotently, preprandial, preprepared, preprinting, preprograms, prepubertal, prepunching, prepurchase, prerecorded, preregister, prereleases, prerequired, prerequires, prerogative, preromantic, presbyopias, presbyopics, preschedule, preschooler, presciences, presciently, prescinding, prescreened, prescribers, prescribing, preselected, presentable, presentably, presentence, presentient, presentisms, presentment, presentness, preservable, preshrunken, pressboards, pressurised, pressurises, pressurized, pressurizer, pressurizes, prestamping, prestigeful, prestigious, prestissimo, prestorages, prestressed, prestresses, presumingly, presumption, presumptive, presupposed, presupposes, presweetens, presynaptic, pretendedly, pretensions, pretentious, preterminal, pretraining, pretreating, pretrimming, prettifiers, prettifying, prevalences, prevalently, prevaricate, preventable, preventible, preventions, preventives, previsional, previsioned, prewrapping, prewritings12-letter wordspreachifying, preadmission, preadmitting, preallotting, preamplifier, preannounced, preannounces, preapproving, prearranging, preassembled, preassigning, prebendaries, prebreakfast, precanceling, precancelled, precancerous, precariously, precedencies, precensoring, precentorial, preceptorial, preceptories, precessional, preciosities, preciousness, precipitable, precipitance, precipitancy, precipitants, precipitated, precipitates, precipitator, precisionist, preclearance, preclusively, precociously, precognition, precognitive, precomputers, precomputing, preconceived, preconceives, preconcerted, precondition, preconscious, predeceasing, predecessors, predeparture, predesignate, predestinate, predestining, predetermine, prediabetics, predicaments, predications, predictively, predigesting, predigestion, predilection, predischarge, prediscovery, predisposing, prednisolone, predominance, predominancy, predominated, predominates, preeclampsia, preeclamptic, preelections, preemergence, preeminences, preeminently, preemptively, preestablish, preexistence, prefabricate, preferential, prefinancing, prefocussing, preformation, preformatted, preformulate, pregnability, pregnenolone, prehensility, prehistorian, prehistories, preignitions, preinaugural, preinduction, preinterview, prejudgments, prelapsarian, prelibations, preliterates, preluncheons, premalignant, premaritally, premarketing, premarriages, premaxillary, premeasuring, premeditated, premeditates, premeditator, premenstrual, premierships, premigration, premodifying, premoistened, premonishing, premonitions, premunitions, prenominated, prenominates, prenotifying, prenumbering, preoccupancy, preoccupying, preoperative, preordaining, preovulatory, prepackaging, preparations, preparatives, preparedness, preponderant, preponderate, preportioned, prepositions, prepossessed, prepossesses, preposterous, prepotencies, preppinesses, preprocessed, preprocesses, preprocessor, preprogramed, prepuberties, prepubescent, prepurchased, prepurchases, prequalified, prequalifies, prerecession, preregisters, prerehearsal, prerequiring, prerequisite, prerogatived, prerogatives, presbyterate, presbyterial, presbyterian, presbyteries, prescheduled, preschedules, preschoolers, prescreening, prescription, prescriptive, preselecting, preselection, presentation, presentative, presentenced, presentences, presentiment, presentments, preservation, preservative, preshrinking, presidencies, presidential, presignified, presignifies, preslaughter, prespecified, prespecifies, pressureless, pressurising, pressurizers, pressurizing, presterilize, prestressing, prestructure, presumptions, presumptuous, presupposing, presweetened, pretensioned, pretermitted, pretreatment, prettinesses, prevaricated, prevaricates, prevaricator, preveniently, preventative, preventively, previousness, previsionary, previsioning13-letter wordspreachinesses, preadaptation, preadmissions, preadolescent, preamplifiers, preanesthetic, preannouncing, prebiological, precalculuses, precancelling, precapitalist, precautionary, precentorship, preceptorials, preceptorship, precipitances, precipitantly, precipitately, precipitating, precipitation, precipitative, precipitators, precipitously, precisenesses, precisionists, preclearances, precognitions, precollegiate, precombustion, precommitment, preconceiving, preconception, preconcerting, preconditions, preconvention, preconviction, precopulatory, predeliveries, predepartures, predesignated, predesignates, predestinated, predestinates, predestinator, predetermined, predeterminer, predetermines, prediabeteses, predicatively, predigestions, predilections, predischarges, prednisolones, predominances, predominantly, predominately, predominating, predomination, preeclampsias, preemployment, preenrollment, preexistences, preexperiment, prefabricated, prefabricates, preferability, prefiguration, prefigurative, prefigurement, preformations, preformatting, preformulated, preformulates, preganglionic, pregnenolones, prehistorians, prehistorical, preinductions, preindustrial, preinterviews, prejudicially, preliminaries, preliminarily, prematureness, prematurities, premeditating, premeditation, premeditative, premeditators, premenopausal, premillennial, premoistening, premonitorily, prenominating, prenomination, preoccupation, preordainment, preordination, preparatively, preparatorily, preponderance, preponderancy, preponderated, preponderates, preportioning, prepositional, prepositively, prepossessing, prepossession, preprocessing, preprocessors, preproduction, preprograming, preprogrammed, prepubescence, prepubescents, prepurchasing, prequalifying, preregistered, prerequisites, preretirement, prerevolution, presanctified, presbyterates, presbyterials, prescheduling, prescientific, prescriptions, preselections, presentations, presentencing, presentiments, presentnesses, preservations, preservatives, presettlement, presidentship, presignifying, prespecifying, presterilized, presterilizes, prestigiously, prestructured, prestructures, presumptively, presweetening, pretelevision, pretensioning, pretentiously, pretermission, pretermitting, preternatural, pretournament, pretreatments, preuniversity, prevaricating, prevarication, prevaricators, preventatives, prevocational14-letter wordspreadaptations, preadolescence, preadolescents, preanesthetics, prearrangement, precapitalists, precariousness, precentorships, preceptorships, preciousnesses, precipitancies, precipitations, precipitinogen, precociousness, precombustions, preconceptions, preconditioned, preconsciouses, preconsciously, preconsonantal, preconstructed, preconventions, preconvictions, predaceousness, predesignating, predestinarian, predestinating, predestination, predestinators, predeterminers, predetermining, predevaluation, predevelopment, predictability, prediscoveries, predisposition, predominancies, predominations, preemployments, preenrollments, preestablished, preestablishes, preexperiments, prefabricating, prefabrication, preferentially, prefigurations, prefigurements, preformulating, pregnabilities, prehensilities, preinterviewed, premanufacture, premaxillaries, premeditatedly, premeditations, premenstrually, premillenarian, prenominations, preoccupancies, preoccupations, preoperational, preoperatively, preordainments, preordinations, preparednesses, preperformance, preponderances, preponderantly, preponderately, preponderating, preponderation, prepossessions, preposterously, preproductions, preprogramming, prepsychedelic, prepubescences, prepublication, preregistering, preretirements, prerevisionist, presbyterially, prescriptively, presentability, presentational, presentencings, presentimental, preservability, presettlements, presidentially, presidentships, pressurization, presterilizing, prestructuring, presumptuously, presupposition, presymptomatic, pretensionless, pretermination, pretermissions, pretournaments, prettification, preunification, prevarications, preventability, preventiveness, previousnesses15-letter wordspreadolescences, preagricultural, prearrangements, precancellation, precipitantness, precipitateness, precipitinogens, precipitousness, preconditioning, predestinarians, predestinations, predevaluations, predevelopments, predispositions, preestablishing, prefabrications, preferabilities, prefiguratively, preformationist, prehistorically, preimplantation, preinterviewing, prejudicialness, prekindergarten, premanufactured, premanufactures, prematurenesses, premillenarians, premillennially, premodification, prenotification, preperformances, preponderancies, preponderations, prepositionally, prepresidential, preprofessional, prepublications, preregistration, prerevisionists, presentableness, preservationist, pressurizations, prestidigitator, prestigiousness, presuppositions, presynaptically, pretentiousness, preterminations, preternaturally, prettifications16-letter wordsprecancellations, precariousnesses, precociousnesses, predaceousnesses, predetermination, predictabilities, preformationists, preincorporation, prekindergartens, premanufacturing, premillennialism, premillennialist, premodifications, prenotifications, preposterousness, prequalification, preregistrations, prerevolutionary, presentabilities, preservabilities, preservationists, prestidigitation, prestidigitators, presumptuousness, presuppositional, pretechnological, preventabilities, preventivenesses17-letter wordsprecipitantnesses, precipitatenesses, precipitousnesses, predestinarianism, predeterminations, prefigurativeness, preincorporations, prejudicialnesses, premillenarianism, premillennialisms, premillennialists, prequalifications, presentablenesses, prestidigitations, prestigiousnesses, pretentiousnesses, preternaturalness18-letter wordspredestinarianisms, premillenarianisms, preposterousnesses, presumptuousnesses19-letter wordsprefigurativenesses, preternaturalnesses1691 words found.

What are words with the prefix pre?

There are a lot of words that start with pre, here are a sample: Preachy Preacts Preaged Preamps Preanal Prearms Preaver Prebade Prebake Prebend Prebids Prebill Prebind Preboil Prebook Preboom Prebuys Precast Precava Precede Precent Precept Precess Precipe Precise Precode Precook Precool Precoup Precure Precuts Predate Predawn Predial Predict Predive Predusk Preedit Preeing Preemie Preempt Preened Preener Prefabs Preface Prefade Prefect Prefers Prefile Prefire Preform Prefund Pregame Preheat Prelacy Prelate Prelect Prelife Prelims Preload Prelude Premade Premeal Premeds Premeet Premier Premies Premise Premiss Premium Premixt Premold Premolt Premune Prename Prenoon Preoral Prepack Prepaid Prepare Prepave Prepays Prepill Preplan Prepped Preppie Prepreg Prepuce Prepupa Prequel Prerace Preriot Prerock Presage Presale Presell Present Presets Preship Preshow Preside Presift Presoak Presold Presong Presort Pressed Presser Presses Pressor Prester Prestos Presume Pretape Preteen Pretell Pretend Preterm Pretest Pretext Pretold Pretors Pretrim Pretype Pretzel Prevail Prevent Preverb Preview Previse Prevued Prevues Prewarm Prewarn Prewash Prewire Prework Preworn Prewrap Prexies Preyers Preying Preach Preact Preamp Prearm Prebid Prebuy Precis Precut Predry Preens Prefab Prefer Prefix Prelaw Prelim Preman Premed Premen Premie Premix Preops Prepay Preppy Preset Presto Prests Pretax Pretor Pretty Prevue Prewar Prexes Preyed Preyer Prezes Preed Preen Prees Preop Preps Presa Prese Press Prest Prexy Preys Pree Prep Prex Prey Prez