

What is premises cost?

Updated: 5/2/2024
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11y ago

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Premises cost refers to the expenses associated with maintaining and operating a physical location for a business, such as rent, utilities, property taxes, and maintenance fees. It is an essential component of a company's overhead costs and can significantly impact its profitability. Proper management of premises costs is crucial for maximizing the efficiency and financial health of a business.

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Should you say the premises are or the premises is?

You should say "the premises are" because premises is a plural noun, referring to multiple pieces of evidence or information.

What is correct in the premises or on the premises?

"Correct in the premises" is used when referring to something that is accurate or true within a particular setting or situation. "On the premises" typically refers to something physically present or located within a specific place or property.

Can An argument can have suppressed or missing premises?

Yes, an argument can have suppressed or missing premises. An argument with suppressed premises does not explicitly state all the premises needed for the conclusion to logically follow, while an argument with missing premises does not include all the premises required for a valid argument. This can result in potential gaps or weaknesses in the reasoning presented.

What does it mean when premises are stated or unstated?

Stated premises are explicitly mentioned in an argument or discussion, while unstated premises are assumed to be true but are not explicitly stated. Both stated and unstated premises play a role in supporting the conclusion of an argument. Unstated premises are often implied and can be inferred by understanding the context of the discussion.

Can a deductively argument have false premises?

Yes, a deductive argument can have false premises. However, the conclusion does not follow logically if the premises are false, making the argument unsound.