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Q: What is pressure in your pelvic area caused from after walking a long time?
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How is low pressure area developed?

A low pressure area is caused by a drop in temperature in the atmosphere.

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Is pelvic inflammatory disease the same as gonorrhea?

Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection or inflammation of the uterus, Fallopian tubes, and the area around the ovaries. It can be caused by gonorrhea, but there are other possible (and more common) causes.

When does man exert greater pressure on the floor while standing or walking?

tiptoesWhen standing on tiptoe, the force exerted by your body remains the same, but is now concentrated in a smaller area. Pressure is measured in force divided by area. By reducing the area, you increase the pressure.

What does hip mean?

Hip refers to the area of the pelvic bone. It can also refer to the area beside the pelvic bones.

What would cause frequent spasms in the pelvic area in men?

What causes spasms in the front right pelvic area?

What are the causes of high suction pressure?

Suction is caused by an are of negative pressure.

What is the pelvic cavity?

The pelvic cavity is the portion of the abdominopelviccavity enclosed by the hip bones. It contains the terminal portion of the large intestine, the urinary bladder, and the internal reproductive organs.

What can be the cause of your pelvic area feeling hard and swollen?

pelvic immflamatory disease or pregnant

Why is it that you have some serious pain in my lower pelvic area?

Its possible You could have a Pelvic infection.

Why is the pressure on the ground more when a man is walking than when he is standingn?

when a man is standing on ground all his weight is in downward direction and pressure is the force divided by area as force is maximum and area is minimum so pressure will be more when he is standing

What is caused by the collisions of air molecules around you that produces the force of an area?

atmospheric pressure