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Q: What is produced by rapid contraction of a very heavy main sequence star that has run out?
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What is produced by rapid contraction of a very heavy main sequence star that has a run out of fuel?


What is produced by rapid contraction of a very heavy main sequence star that run out of fuel?


What is produced by rapid contraction of a very heavy main sequence star that has run out of fuel?


What type of muscle is capable of rapid contraction and causes skeletal movement?

Skeletal or voluntary muscle is capable of rapid contraction and is responsible for skeletal movement.

What is a rapid repetitive series of threshold stimuli leading to a single fused sustained contraction?

Sumation of contraction

What is the side effect of doxapram?

Hyperreflexia (severe rapid tonic contraction of body).


the vibration of earth produced by the rapid release of energy

What is the process by which the body makes heat?

Making heat, or thermogenesis, is actually a side effect of cellular metabolism. As energy is produced, heat is released as a byproduct of the chemical reactions of energy production. Heat can also be produced on a larger scale by shivering (or rapid contraction and relaxation) of the muscles.

What condition is characterized by rapid uncoordinated contractions of cardiac myocytes?

Contraction Band Necrosis

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Ventricular fibrillation is a rapid, irregular and uncoordinated contraction of the cardiac muscles.

When weak but smooth muscle contraction is desired a few motor units are stimulated at a?

rapid rate

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