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Q: What is produced when yeast respires anaerobically?
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What happens when yeast respires anaerobically?


What gas is produced when yeast respire anaerobically?

When yeast respires anaerobically it takes glucose (C6H12O6) and breaks it into ethanol, a small amount of energy, and two molecules of carbon dioxide gas (2CO2).

Yeast respires anaerobically. what is the name of this process in yeast?

I think it is called Fermentation. -Alayna Nikole

Names of some plants which respire anaerobically?

Clostridium botulinum and the bacteria which live near hydrothermal vents on the deep-sea ocean floor.

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What is it called when yeast respire anaerobically?


Is yeast what makes bread rise?

Yeast respires, producing carbon dioxide that makes the bread rise

What type of microbe is yeast?

Yeast is made up of molds and mushrooms which are members of the Kingdom of Fungi.The type of Microbe yeast uses is carbon dioxide which produces bubbles in bread (make it rise) and Ethanol produced (Evaporates when baking)

Why does bread continue to raise when baked?

Bread rises more quickly when it's warm, so it will rise a noticeable amount in just a few minutes in the oven, until it gets hot enough (inside the bread) to kill the yeast, at which point it stops rising.

How do you make alchole?

yeast produce ethanol(alchohol) as they anaerobically respire

How do you define the yeast.?

Yeast is micro organism (fungus)often grows on food and feeds on it.You often have heard of it under the topic of respiration that it can respire aerobically and anaerobically and produces alcohol when respiring anaerobically known as alcoholic fermentation.

Can yeast produce gas?

Yes, it respires and releases carbon dioxide; this causes bread to rise.