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Q: What is role of pharynx in shark?
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What role does the pharynx play in the human body?

the role of the pharynx is what helpes people bring down the food

What is the role of pharynx in digestion?

The pharynx acts as a passageway for both air and food. (Plays a very key role in the digestive system)

What is the Pharynx role in digestion?

The Pharynx provides a passage from the mouth to the esophagus and larynx. This opening allows swallowed substances into the esophagus yes yes.

Does the pharynx moisten and warm air?

Yes, the pharynx plays a role in moistening and warming the air as it travels from the nasal cavity to the lungs. The moist lining of the pharynx helps to humidify the air, while the blood vessels in the pharynx help to warm it.

What role does pharynx plays in digestion?

with-out it you couldn't... the pharynx is a grouping of muscles in the back of the nasals, top back of the palet and front side of the throght known as the; nasopharynx, oropharynx and the laryngopharynx ex; the ability to swallow

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What structure carries both food and air?

The pharynx is the back of the throat (divided loosely into nasopharynx and oropharynx) which allows food to enter the oesophagus and air to enter the thrachea.

What is the common passageway for both respiration and digestion?

the throat. pharynx.

What parts of the respiratory system and digestive system overlap?


What are the differences in the frogs pharynx and the humans pharynx?

A frogs pharynx is twice the size of a humans

What role did Katie Couric have in the movie shark tale?

Katie Current

What is the role of a shark?

A shark is the predator of the ocean usually. Though many have other jobs such as sifting the sand or cleaning larger sharks.