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assuming they are all ghetto

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Q: What is rude to black people?
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Why are some white people mean to black people?

because some people are still racis and they are so very rude to black people because of their skin coluor.

Why do Chinese people have black hair?

It's their genetics. That's also why they have different eyes. ( Not to be rude!)

Are black people ruder than white people?

* additude has nothing to do with the race it has more to do with the person himself * i could act the same way as a black person * yes sometimes black people are rude but not cause they are black! * hope this helps

Is it rude to laugh at people?

Yes it is rude to laugh at people

Why Are People Rude To Me is it because of how I look?

I do not know how you look so I cannot determine if people are rude to you because of how you look. If that is the case, then they are just rude people. People should not be rude to others at all and should especially not be rude to people because of how they look.

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Why do mean people say your black friends are monkeys?

Because they (the 'mean people') are rude and racist pigs. Do you really need, or want, people like that (the mean people) as friends? Stick with your black friends, you'll be better off.

Why are some people so rude on psn?

You are always going to run into rude people. People on psn are rude because they can hide and not be seen. Always treat people the way you want to be treated and remember how rude people make you feel.

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Why are Welsh people so rude?

It is not accurate to make generalizations about an entire group of people being rude. Individuals may have different personalities and behaviors regardless of their nationality. It is important to avoid stereotypes and instead focus on treating individuals with respect and understanding.

Why do black girls hate nice black males?

It has always been a stereotype that black people are mean, rude or gangster so some black females want to find a black male that is what they consider as gangster, which means they can be mean.

Why does your teacher say black people like orange sodas and bananas?

There is not a reason for that. It's just that they are being racist trudge-monkeys and very rude people!