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Sales proceeds of shares is about CD 40000 and dividend of last 2 years is about CD 4000. Long term capital gains and dividends on shares carry zero percent tax in India

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Q: What is sales proceed in shares and dividend?
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What time can you sell shares to qualify for the dividend?

You can sell shares to qualify for the dividend on or after the ex-date (ex-dividend date), which will be announced the company

What is a dividend factor?

Dividend factor = Net earned income / dividend earning shares

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RDSA and RDSB are two different classes of shares for Royal Dutch Shell plc. RDSA shares are denominated in euros and have a Dutch source for tax purposes, while RDSB shares are denominated in pounds sterling and have a UK source for tax purposes. Both classes of shares represent ownership in the same company, but they have different legal structures and may have differences in voting rights or dividend payouts.

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What is the income you earn from the shares dividend?

Income earned from shares is called dividend income and shown in income statement as "Other income".

What is dividend receivable?

Dividend is recieved by company shareholder as a profit and according to their shares.

What is limitations of preference shares?

One of the limitations to preference shares is that the shareholder does not have a voting right. Preference shares normally pay a fixed dividend where common stocks do not pay a fixed dividend.

What is special cum dividend?

After a share has been marked ex-dividend, and before the payment date, shares can be bought with the dividend if you can find a counterparty who will sell them to you in this manner. Equally shares can be bought and sold ahead of the ex-dividend date, "Special Ex" ie without the dividend.

What is a No Dividend Counterfoil?

A payment to your account from shares held by you.

What is the difference between equity shares with voting rights and equity shares with differential rights?

Equity shares with voting rights are those shares which have right to vote with dividend where as in differential voting right shares , a shareholder sacrifices a some rate of dividend to get additional voting rights. By divya mittal

What are shares?

A share in a company gives you as an investor a share in its dividend.

What is redeemable shares?

These are special shares that you get with ordinary shares from some companies, which they buy back off you at a price instead of paying a dividend.