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There are different forms of schizophrenia. the most common symptoms of the disorder are visual and or auditory hallucinations. These are very difficult for the patient to sort out, but medications can be very helpful.

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Q: What is schizophrenia associated with?
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What neurotransmitter is associated with schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is often associated with a high level of the neurotransmitter dopamine.

What kind of schizophrenia do you have if you self-harm?

There is no specific type of schizophrenia that is associated with self-harm. Self-harm in schizophrenia is generally associated with delusions. For example, a patient with schizophrenia may believe that if he or she cuts off a finger then the world will be saved. Because self-harm in schizophrenia is associated with delusions, patients with paranoid schizophrenia or undifferentiated schizophrenia may be more likely to self-harm than patients with other types of schizophrenia.

What part of the brain are associated to schizophrenia?

None, because schizophrenia is a condition determined by checklists and psychiatrists. It is not a condition derived from physical brain damage.

Does schizophrenia involve general weakness and blacking out or loss of consciousness?

Schizophrenia itself does not involve those symptoms, but the medications associated with schizophrenia can cause weakness and loss of consciousness. Please see your doctor immediately if you lose consciousness without any evident non-serious cause.

Which psychological problem is associated with Schizophrenia?

Hi, The main problem associated with schizophrenia is hallucination. It could be recognised as the patient sees invisible things (visual H.), screams, talks to somebody who is not exist, hearing voices. It is mental disorder that mainly can be seen as disorganised speech and behaviour. Hope this helps

What is schizophrenia and how does it relate to the biological approach?

Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder or group of disorders that affects the normal functioning of the brain and severely impairs thinking, emotion, and behavior. Doctors do not know the specific cause of schizophrenia, but both environmental and genetic factors do play a role. The symptoms of schizophrenia are delusions, hallucinations, flat affect, and disorganized speech, thinking, and behavior. Schizophrenia relates to the biological approach to psychological disorders in that it is a primarily biological disorder. Schizophrenia is sometimes caused by an excess of the neurotransmitter dopamine, and there are brain defects associated with schizophrenia. Because of this, schizophrenia can be said to be a biological psychological illness.

How does Schizophrenia relate to fight club?

SPOILER to the movie if you haven't seen it: Schizophrenia is often associated with hearing voices in the head. It has commonly (though incorrectly) been associated with multiple personality disorder. In fight club, the narrator has a multiple personality disorder such that as one person he doesn't remember what he does as a second person.

How prevalent is Capgras syndrome?

Capgras is mislabled as a syndrome. It is a delusion most often associated with schizophrenic type mental illnessess, particularly that aspect of schizophrenia that includes paranoia and other associated delusions.

Schizophrenia Symptoms: What It Is and Isn't?

Schizophrenia is often confused with other illnesses. In fact, some of its symptoms are symptoms for bipolar. These mutual symptoms include paranoia, bizarre delusions, and disorganized speech and thinking. However, if auditory hallucinations are occurring frequently then it is most likely that the person is suffering from schizophrenia. On the other hand, depression is more commonly associated with bipolar disorder and is not a symptom of schizophrenia. Furthermore, schizophrenics do not have 'split personality disorder'.

If a 30 year old has schizophrenia could the mother have it as well?

Yes. Schizophrenia is partly genetic, meaning that if you have a relative with schizophrenia you are likely to also have schizophrenia. About 1/10 of people with a relative with schizophrenia develop schizophrenia, compared to 1/100 people without a relative with schizophrenia.

Is schizophrenia a disability?

People with schizophrenia usually have normal cognitive function at the beginning of the course of schizophrenia.

What are the causes of residual schizophrenia?

Residual schizophrenia is caused by a partial recovery from schizophrenia. For an explanation of what causes schizophrenia, please see the related question.