

What is selectively permeable?

Updated: 6/8/2024
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9y ago

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The property of a membrane or other material that allows some substances to pass through it more easily than others.
Selective permeability refers to the control that a cell membrane has in terms of what it allows to cross it. This gives the cell membrane the ability to choose which molecules enter or leave.

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Tiara Lebsack

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2y ago
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5h ago

A selectively permeable membrane is a barrier that allows certain substances to pass through while blocking others. This property is essential for maintaining balance within cells and regulating the transport of molecules in and out of cells. Some examples of selectively permeable membranes include cell membranes and dialysis membranes.

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9y ago

The property of a membrane or other material that allows some substances to pass through it more easily than others.
Selective permeability refers to the control that a cell membrane has in terms of what it allows to cross it. This gives the cell membrane the ability to choose which molecules enter or leave.

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9y ago

A feature and a function of the plasma membrane that is essential to maintain homeostasis by regulating the passage of some substances while preventing others from entering the cell.

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Cell membrane is elastic and transparent. It can be impermeable, permeable, semi-permeable or selectively permeable. In humans the plasma membrane is selectively permeable that is it allows entry to certain substance.

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Cell membranes are selectively permeable while cell walls are semi-selectively permeable. Keep in mind that only low level organisms, like plants, have cell walls.

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No, a mirror is not selectively permeable. Mirrors do not allow the passage of a substances through them, they simply reflect light.

What is a membrane that allows some substances to pass through but excludes others?

A membrane that lets some substances pass through but not others is known as a semipermeable membrane. Other terms that describe this type of membrane are: selectively permeable, partially permeable, or differentially permeable.

A membrane that allows some substances to pass through while excluding others would be called a?

semipermeable or selectively permeable.

What does a selectively permeable membrane do?

A selectively permeable membrane allows some substances through it and does not allow others.Allows certain substances to pass but not others