

What is serotonin production?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is serotonin production?
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It leads to production of serotonin, which can give some people migraines.

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Overabundance of serotonin can cause serotonin syndrome.

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It is better eating carbohydrates at night because it stimules the production of serotonin which is the precursor of melatonine , the hormone that gets you sleepy.

What does hydroxyzine do to serotonin levels?

Hydroxyzine decreases serotonin levels as it a serotonin antagonist.

Can a Chemical imbalance cause thoughts of suicide?

Yes, that is generally the beginning of depression. Whatever it is that is causing a person any sort of continuous grief over something your body exerts a chemical called serotonin and eventually your body begins to decrease the level of production because it cannot keep up enough. Eating things like papaya, dates, and bananas can help up your serotonin levels. Try to avoid whole wheat and rye breads as it inhibits the production of serotonin.

Is the drug ssri an antagonist or agonist?

The SSRI class is neither antagonist nor agonist. They are re-uptake inhibitors. To the extent of my knowledge (I am NOT a doctor), a serotonin: agonist enhances production of sertonin at the source neuron, antagonists blocks binding of serotonin to the target neuron effectively blinding it, re-uptake inhibitors block the destruction of serotonin, effectively letting it act for longer.

Do platelets release serotonin?

No, the serotonin is collected and stored by platelets but not released by them. Serotonin is secreted by Enterochromaffin cells.

What is Serotonin's Water Solubility?

Serotonin is soluble in water.

Is serotonin water soluble?

Serotonin is soluble in water.

What hormone is associated with mood a decrease is associated with depression?

The production and transmission of the hormone serotonin is associated with depression. It really is a "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" situation.

What are the target organ of the Serotonin hormone?

Serotonin is not a hormone. It is a neurotransmitter.