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Both types of weathering cause rocks and other solid materials to break apart/break down. Both types of weathering are the start of erosion processes.

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they both break down stuff into fragments.p.s : this is the right answer.

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Q: What is similar between physical and chemical weathering?
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How are physical weathering and chemical weathering similar?

It would be easier to say how they are different. Both physical and chemical weathering can cause pitting, erosion of material and degradation of optical properties, making glass surfaces less reflective or transmissive.

What is the weathering in which the chemical composition has changed?

It's called chemical weathering/chemical change. Similar to the physical change of matter, except the chemical composition changes causing it to become something completely different. For example: iron turns to rust, silver tarnishes and copper turns green.

What is the diffence between chemical weathering and physical weathering?

Chemical and biological weathering are different because: a) biological weathering - this means that if a seed of a plant gets coincidentally deposited in a crack in a rock, if it is humid enough, the see will grow. it's roots will spread out and eventually break the rock. b) chemical weathering - this means that chemicals in rain/acid rain weathers away the rock.

Elements in a column are called . These elements have similar chemical and physical properties.?

These elements have similar chemical and physical properties.

Is a rock disintegrates by chemical weathering into small grains of similar composition considered reproduction?


What sets of elements have similar physical and chemical properties?

Except noble gases the groups of elements in periodic table have the similar chemical properties but not the physical.

Uplift and weathering are two of the processes that shape the features of the earth how are they difference and how are they similar?

uplift-weathering hypothesis is a “proposal that chemical weathering is an active driver of climate change, rather than just a negative feedback that moderates climate". uplift-weathering hypothesis both discuss how chemical weathering is a negative feedback that moderates climate; however, the uplift hypothesis tries to say that chemical weathering is the active driver for climate change and not just a negative feedback

How is physical change and chemical change similar?

they are similar because they both change into something

What effect would a warmer climate have on the rate of chemical weathering?

The rate would increase, assuming similar rate of precipitation.

What is similar when elements have the same group?

Elements in the same group have similar physical and chemical properties.

What elements have similar chemical and physical properties.?

elements in the same group

The chemical properties of calcium are most similar to the chemical properties of?

The chemical properties of calcium are most similar to (in between) the chemical properties of magnesium and strontium.