

What is size dependent definition?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is size dependent definition?
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Size independent properties are those that do not change with the size of an object. Size dependent properties are those that change with the size of an object.

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an dependent variable is one that you change in an experiment

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It is an adjective which means mutually dependent- dependent upon one another.

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size independent

What is the definition of a dependent?

adj.Contingent on another.Subordinate.Relying on or requiring the aid of another for support: dependent children.Hanging down.

What is the definition of a dependent variable?

the thing being measured

What does size-dependent mean?

it means it depends on the size

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when a country is completely or almost completely dependent on importing in necessary consumer items

What are the difference between size independent and size dependent?

If something is size dependent then some important aspect of that thing is influenced strongly by its size. If something is size independent, then its size does not influence any important aspect.

What is the definition of independent and dependent?

weather something needs something els to work would be dependent and alone for independent

What are two size-dependent properties and two size independent properties of an iron nail?

Size dependent properties include mass and volume. Size independent properties include density and malleability.

Is concentration size dependent?

For a homogeneous material the concentration is independent from the size.