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The normal size of a spleen is 12 to 14 cm across. If it is larger than that, there may be an infection or illness causing the expansion.

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Q: What is size of spleen?
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Weight of a spleen?

The average weight of an adult spleen is 0.44 lbs. During and after digestion, the size of the spleen increases. Infection of malaria or mono can also cause the spleen to increase in size. If the increase in size is significant, the spleen can rupture. If the spleen ruptures, immediate medicalcare is necessary. You may need emergency surgery to control the bleeding.

Why spleen and the gallbladder were not palpable?

They were of normal size. A normal-sized spleen and gallbladder are not palpable.

How big is a spleen in vertical length?

It varies, a spleen is usually the size of the persons fist.

Is 13cm dangerous size for spleen?


What is the average size of a human adult spleen of adult female?

the human spleen is about4 inches long.

Does the spleen decrease in size as a person ages?

Yes it does.

What is a cats spleen?

What Is the Spleen?The spleen is an elongated organ located in the abdomen. Though not essential for life, the spleen performs important functions related to the blood and lymph systems. The spleen filters the blood and participates in various immune functions.Where Is the Spleen Located?The spleen is located near the stomach in the left forward part of the abdomen. The exact location of the spleen depends upon its size and shape and is affected by the size of the surrounding organs, such as the fullness of the stomach.What Is the General Structure of the Spleen?The spleen is a relatively large, dark red organ that is supplied with numerous blood vessels. The normal spleen is shaped somewhat like a tongue and is considerably longer than it is wide and slightly constricted in the middle. It is covered by a tough capsule of fibrous tissue.

Is a spleen size of 556 normal?

For humans the average size is 1"x 3"x 5". Assuming that your "556" means '5x5x6', that size indicates that its owner may be suffering from one of the many diseases or infections that cause the spleen to enlarge.

What is the medical term meaning softening of the spleen?

EnhancementHypertrophy-Increase in the size of an organ or tissue without an increase in number of the cells.Hyperplasia-Increase in the size of an organ or tissue with an increase in number of cells.

How big is the spleen?

All white blood cells go through the spleen at least 40 times a day to get cleaned and restored.

Where in the body is the largest single collection of lymphoid tissue?

That is called as Spleen.

How are complete splenectomies performed on enlarged spleens?

Complete splenectomy.REMOVAL OF ENLARGED SPLEEN. After the surgeon makes a cut (incision) in the abdomen,the artery to the spleen is tied to prevent blood loss and reduce the spleen's size. It also helps prevent further sequestration of blood cells.