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It's a cake shaped like cat litter. Not very appetizing.

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Q: What is so scary about kitty litter cake?
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What was so scary about the kitty litter cake?

It's a cake shaped like cat litter. Not very appetizing.

What is so scary about kittly litter cakes?

I thinnk some people are offended by the idea of eating a cake sheaped like kitty litter, and may find it gross. To others, cake is cake.

What happens if kittens nibble on kitty litter?

I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that the company that makes the kitty litter kept in mind that animals tend to eat random things, so they would have had to make the kitty litter nontoxic.

Can you use kitty litter coupons to buy scoopable cat litter?

The coupon will have have information on it as to what you can use the coupon for. Generally it is for product sizes, so you would be able to buy scoopable cat litter with the coupon as long as it does not have stipulations that it be used only on a specific kind of kitty litter.

Can kitty litter be used in place of sand for drying flowers?

Kitty litter can be used to soak up stuff and dry a few things so I would think so. I think it could be used for that. TATER-TOT TAYLA

Is hello kitty and Elmo evil?

I Dont realy know but they make hello kitty and elmo in photo editor scary so probraly not

What is the scary true story of hello kitty?

One scary story is that Kitty means devil in Japanese, and that a long time ago, a lady had a daughter who had mouth cancer and she made a deal with the devil to create Hello Kitty if he healed her daughter. This is why Hello Kitty has no mouth, because it symbolizes the daughter. So supposedly, Hello Kitty is bad and is the devil. While this makes for an interesting story, there is no word in Chinese for the word devil that even comes close to the word "kitty". This is just a story.

Kitty comfort cat litter where is it available in Manitoba?

Try Costco that's where I used to get it in BC, I won't use it anymore as it doesn't clump like it used to so I've changed to Special Kitty which I get at Walmart.

How can you make your cat's breath smell better?

cats are sometimes very very very very very very stinky that even if you put them in a bottle of deoderint they will be so stinky that you willbe gagging for the rest of the day. the way to make them not stink so bad is to give them a bath and put on them purfum(and stick them in a sack of oranges)

How do you train a kitten to poop in the litter box?

You have to keep putting it in the litter box until it gets the idea as to why it's there. Move it's feet around in the litter so that it can get use to the feel of the litter. Once it does it's job in the box, it should continue to do so. Be consistent and patient. Good luck.

How can one prevent a cat litter tray from smelling?

There are a few ways to keep control of the smell. Clean the litter box regularly There are special litter box deodorizers you can spray, powder, or fill in or around the litter box. You can find these at any pet store. You can find kitty litter that blocks odor to a degree, or kitty litter with good scents.

Do wood shavings clean up oil?

yeah but up to a certain amount-only so much oil can be absorbed in one wood shaving Use Kitty litter..