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To the best of my knowledge, this is in reference to the way socialization is discussed in anthropological terms. Socialization is the process by which children and outsiders become a member of a community. These individuals eventually accept the culture and linguistic processes of the group that inhabits the area that they are dwelling in. Therefore, the term 'socialization of space' refers to the way that the idea of social space (the place where people gather to interact) is socialized to these individuals. With the rise of the internet, the question of what defines a social space is starting to garner some interest.

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2w ago

Socialization of space refers to the process by which individuals and groups assign meaning to physical spaces, influenced by social interactions, cultural norms, and personal experiences. It can involve creating shared meanings, norms, and behaviors within a particular space, shaping how people interact and engage with their surroundings.

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Can humans exist in space?

Humans can exist in space for short periods of time, but they require special equipment like spacesuits and spacecraft that provide oxygen, temperature regulation, and protection from radiation. Extended stays in space can have negative effects on the human body, such as muscle atrophy and bone density loss, so it is important to take precautions and conduct thorough research on the effects of long-term space habitation.

What is chris hadfeild claim to fame?

Chris Hadfield is a retired Canadian astronaut who gained widespread recognition as the first Canadian to command the International Space Station (ISS). He is known for his social media presence and for sharing his experiences in space through videos and photos, making him a popular figure in the space exploration community.

What is opposite of cave?

The opposite of a cave is an open space, such as a prairie, field, or plain.

Was Robert Thirsk inspired?

As the first Canadian to fly in space, Robert Thirsk has inspired many through his achievements in space exploration and his dedication to advancing science. His passion for innovation and his commitment to pushing the boundaries of human space exploration serve as an inspiration to others interested in pursuing careers in STEM fields.

How did children of the stone age live?

Children in the Stone Age lived in small communities with their families, engaging in activities like hunting, gathering, and creating tools. They learned survival skills from their parents and elders, such as how to find food and build shelters. Play and socialization were also important, helping children develop skills necessary for their future roles in the community.

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What are types of socialiozation?

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What are the stages in socailization?

The stages in socialization are: 1) Primary Socialization 2) Secondary Socialization 3) Anticipatory Socialization

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Political socialization

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the agent of socialization are the people who socialize while agencies of socialization are the place where socialization take place

What is anticipatory socialization?

anticipatory socialization is the rehersal of things in future

Components of socialization?

The components of socialization include primary socialization (learning norms and values from family), secondary socialization (learning from institutions like school or work), anticipatory socialization (learning expected behaviors for future roles), and resocialization (learning new norms and values in response to changes).

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Do Agents of socialization consist of instincts?

Socialization is not wholly instinctive, it is also learned.

The process by which people acquire political beliefs and attitudes?

Political socialization is the process by which people acquire political beliefs and attitudes.

What is informal socialization?

Informal socialization is learning outside of an institution. Agents for informal socialization include family and friends or peers. This type of socialization helps you learn to interact with people as well as how to use things such as computers and utensils.

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Political socialization is the way your opinions on politics and society are formed by your environment.

What extent does socialization contribute to homosexuality?

Socialization has not been shown to contribute at all to homosexuality.