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Q: What is something that you can observe about an object by using your senses?
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What is something that your senses tell you about an object?

Something you can observe about an object using your senses is a physical property.

What can cause vomiting with no other symptoms?

Sometimes, people vomit because of something very repulsive they observe using their 5 senses.

What are things Things about an object found using your senses?


How does observation limit what scientist can study?

observationthe process of obtaining information by using the senses; the information obtained by using the senses

Which science process skill refers to describing an object or event using the five senses?


What is observing in science?

observation-it is a process of using your senses with or without materials by observing a specific things you want to discover.

How can you observe tiny objects?

Either using a microscope or a magnifying glass will help you to see a tiny object.

What is observation mean?

Becoming aware of an object or event by using any of the senses to identify propertys.observation is omomno olol hheheeh hapon

Meaning of observing in science process?

The meaning of observing in science process is by using your five senses to observe the things around you. Examples are:The sky is blue.(sense:eyes;seeing)

What's the difference between rationalism and empiricism?

Rationalism is using logical reasoning and deduction to draw a conclusion about something. Empiricism is using information collected from experience, your senses, and observation to draw conclusions about something.

What are observations based on?

Observation is the process of actively gathering information from a primary source. The senses are used to observe living entities. Hearing, seeing, feeling, tasting, and smelling are only a few examples. We then perform an observation for a specific thing that is being seen using our senses.

What chart listing makes physical properties that you can observe qulitatively by using your senses or by doing simple tests?

Using my senses that are smelling, sighting, touching, and tasting. The doing tests are (carbon, copper, and iodine for smelling), (colour, lustre, shape, and clarity for sighting), (sweet, sour, salty, and bitter for tasting), and (texture, viscosity, and hardness for touching).