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Q: What is state religion of Pakistan?
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Why Islamic system not exist in Pakistan?

Pakistan was founded as an Islamic state, and is the common religion in that country. Unfortunately, right after the independence, most of the citizens forgot the main theme of creating a new state. Now Pakistan is just like any other Muslim state where Islam is state religion.

What are the Three pillars of state in Pakistan explain it?

Religion, Government, Army

What are the Pakistan's religion?

The religion of Pakistan is: ISLAM

What kind of state is called a secular state?

A secular state is one that does not favor any specific religion and ensures the separation of religion and government. In a secular state, the government treats all religions equally and does not promote or endorse any particular faith. Each individual is free to practice their religion, or not, without interference from the state.

What is the state of Pakistan in English language?

The complete name of Pakistan in English is Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It is named as Islamic Republic of Pakistan as it was founded with Ideological principle of Pakistan i.e. Muslims of India needed a country to practice their religion.

What is the religion of the majority of the people living in Pakistan?

The major religion in Pakistan is Islam

What kind of religion is Pakistan?

Its a country not a religion.

If India is largely Hindi in faith then what religion is Pakistan?

RELIGION IN PAKISTANAs we all know that Pakistan was made on the name of Islam and it is called the Islamicrepublic of Pakistan . Pakistan's religion is Islam and most of the people are Muslims and may be 89.9% of people in Pakistan are Muslims .

What are the main religions in Pakistan?

Islam is the religion in pakistan

What is pakastains religion?

Pakistan's religion is mainly Islam.

Is Pakistan a pseudosecular state?

Pakistan is an Islamic state - pure and simple - Islam is the official state religion. At birth, it separated from "secular" India based on the desires of Muslims to have their own state. The percentage of Muslims in the population has grown from 85% at "birth" in 1947 to 97% at the expense of the minorities.

Who is the head of the state of Pakistan?

who is the head of state in pakistan