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First of all we cannot know what are the implications of doing such a thing. It is also very expensive and technically difficult to do it.

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Q: What is stopping us from launching algae and anaerobic bacteria to Mars in order to begin terraforming for possible future habitation?
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Bacteria that do not require aerobic respiration?

Bacteria that do not require aerobic respiration are known as anaerobic bacteria. These bacteria can survive and grow in the absence of oxygen by using alternative electron acceptors in anaerobic pathways such as fermentation or anaerobic respiration. Examples of anaerobic bacteria include Clostridium and Methanogens.

What term describes bacteria that can survive without the presence of oxygen?

Anaerobic bacteria or facultative anaerobic bacteria.

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How do anaerobic bacteria differ from anaerobic bacteria?

aerobic bacteria use oxygen based respiration, anaerobic bacteria use either nonoxygen based respiration (e.g. nitrogen, sulfur) or fermentation.

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What are the function of anaerobic?

used for growth anaerobic bacteria

Is salmonella a anaerobic or aerobic?

Salmonella bacteria are anaerobic.

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What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic bacteria-?

Aerobic bacteria uses oxygen for cellular respiration and anaerobic bacteria doesn't require oxygen to survive. ˇ_ˇ 

Do anaerobic bacteria have flagella?

Some methanogenic bacteria (which are anaerobic) do have flagella. You can read more in the related link

How do you use anaerobic in a sentence?

Anaerobic means without oxygen. Those are anaerobic bacteria.

Are most bacteria beneficial pathogenic or anaerobic?

Firstly, pathogenic is not the opposite of anaerobic. The vast majority of bacteria are non-pathogenic, but this doesn't mean they are anaerobic.