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Q: What is strain pressure or excitement felt about a situation or event is called?
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An event or situation that causes a strain on your body or mind is called an?


An event or situation that causes a strain on your body or mind is called a?


Lower than normal blood pressure is called?

Abnormally low Blood Pressure is called "Hypotension"(Hypo-= Below, beneath, under, less than normal, deficient, in the lowest state of; Tension= to strain or stretch.)Blood pressure is the force(strain) on the blood vessels' walls. Thus, Hypotension is the less than normal strain on the walls of the blood vessels.

What is an event or situation that caused a strain on your body or mind?


What is an event or situation that causes a strain on your body or mind?


What is a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction resulting from lack of activity or excitement called?

"Lassitude" is lethargy, usually from strain or stress. "Languor" is the lack of spirit or energy. "Torpor" is probably closest because it is indifference derived from inactivity.

An event or situation that causes a strain on your body or mind is call an?


What term means to twist and pull a muscle or tendon?

Its called a strain

What strain or pressure in a material due to forces acting on it?


What word might be used to describe mental strain?

The word "stress" is commonly used to describe mental strain or pressure.

What is high blood pressure also called?

Abnormally high blood pressure is called "Hypertension" (Hyper-= above, over, or excess; Tension= to strain or stretch)In essence blood pressure is the force(stretch or strain) on the blood vessels' walls. Thus abnormally high blood pressure would be an excess strain on the vessels' walls.

Could you make a sentence with the word strain?

Yes, you can make many sentences with the word strain. Don't pull to hard or you'll strain the horse. Calm down, don't strain yourself. The leash was making the dog strain.