

What is substance that destroy germs?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Q: What is substance that destroy germs?
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How do flies carry germs?

Flies have a sticky substance in their legs, so when they sit on dirty things, because of sticky substance , germs get sticked to their legs and in this way , they carry germs

Are there more germs on a human or in a human?

Humans are germs, they breed and destroy their host like a virus.

What stimulates a person's body to produce chemicals that destroy vireses or bacteria?

The best answer would be Antibodies; however, these do not chemically "attack" viruses or bacteria. More accurately, antibodies recognize various germs and allow the various cell types of your immune system to attack and destroy these germs directly. For more info on how this works see:

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Can antibodies destroy the poison in germs?

No. natural antibodies do not destroy the poison in germs. They destroy the germs. They can be modified to disrupt the structure of the toxin (as the toxin is a protein which implies it can only work when in its perfect shape) . Also, it does not really matter if the antibodies destroy the toxins, as, in the second line of defense, they engulf the germs and digest them wholly, so the toxins are destroyed. But in other cases, u wouldn't want to fight the product but the source of the problem ie. the microbes and not the toxins.Another Perspective:In the case of germs (bacteria), they are the poison. Antibodies do attack and destroy bacteria (and whatever is in them).

What in your body works to destroy germs?

White blood cells.

What is one role of white blood cells?

They destroy the germs in your body

Do white blood cells destroy and weaken germs?

Yes this is what they generally do.

Can antibodies destroy poison in germs?

dount know dount care

What is phangocytes?

A particular type of white blood cell that "eat up" germs then destroy them.

What is a disinfect?

Something that kills microbial activityIn a short summary, disinfectant destroy microorgainisms which are germs