

What is syntax of memcpy?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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14y ago

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memcpy function is used to copy memory area. Syntax ------ void *memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n); *dest is a destination string. *src is a source string. n is a number of characters to be copied from source string. Example: #include #include main() { char src[]="Hello World"; char des[10]; memcpy(des,src,5); printf("des:%s\n",des); //It will contain the string "Hello". }

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memcpy is general purpose copy. and strcpy is specific for string copying. strcpy will copy the source string to destination string and terminate it with '\0' character but memcpy takes extra argument which specifies the number of bytes to copy.memcpy will not handle copying of overlapping memory. use memove instead.

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They do different things, so they are uncomparable.PS: strcpy can be implemented with strlen+memcpy:char *strcpy (char *dest, const char *src){size_t len;len= strlen (src);memcpy (dest, src, len);return dest;}

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Code to implement memcpy in c?

unsigned char * memcpy(unsigned char * s1, unsigned char * s2, long size) { long ix; s1= (char *)malloc(sizeof(strlen(s2))); for(ix=0; ix < size; ix++) s1[ix] = s2[ix]; return s1; }

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