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Usually the state has a formula for computing support based on how much money each parent makes. If you make more than the non-custodial parent but are responsible for insuring the minor child, those costs should be computed at that same percentage and included in the support order. Anything extra, such as fees for special education, sports, medical, dental, or orthodontics not covered by the insurance should be split the same way on an as-needed basis, with the non-custodial parent paying the their share within 30 days of the payment having been made.

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Q: What is taken into consideration if one parent has primary physical custody but makes more than the non-custodial parent?
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Is Primary Physical Custody the same as being the Primary Parent in Nevada?

Primary parent may informally refer to the parent with whom the child lives for the majority of the time. Primary physical custody is the legal term for the parent with physical care and supervision of their child for the majority of the time.Child support and custody is an extremely complicated area of law in Nevada which is somewhat behind the times in defining and clarifying these issues. If you need legal advice in that area you need to consult with an attorney who specializes in family law and who has a good reputation.A parent may have sole legal custody or joint legal custody.A parent with sole legal custody can make all the decisions regarding the child such as education, medical treatment and religious training.Joint legal custody means that both parents have a equal right to make decisions regarding the child. Parents with joint legal custody may have different arrangements regarding physical custody. They may share physical custody equally or the child may spend more time with one parent. If a parent has physical custody of the child for the majority of the time they are considered to be the primary parent.Physical custody is a different issue. Nevada recognizes three forms of physical custody:sole physical custody- sole physical care and supervisionprimary physical custody- physical care and supervision for the majority of the timejoint physical custody- parents share physical care and supervision

What is a parent of primary residence?

The parent you primarily reside with. The parent with physical custody.

What if a child refuses to see noncustodial prarent who lives out ofstate?

The child's custodial parent could be held in contempt of court for failing to abide by court ordered visitation and incur a fine, jail time or both. If the problem becomes chronic, the courts may order a modification in custody, giving the non-custodial parent primary physical custody.

Is primary physical custody the same as sole custody?

They are two terms used interchangeably that essentially mean the same thing. Primary physical custody refers to the parent with whom the child resides with the majority of the time but, joint custody has been granted. Sometimes a parent may have primary physical custody but the other parent may have legal custody, meaning one parent shall have the right and the responsibility to make the decisions relating to the health, education, and welfare of a child." This parent can make all decisions without seeking in put from the other parent.

What does paramount physical custody mean?

It is a term that has the same meaning as primary physical custody meaning the person so awarded has the child or children living with them the greater percentage of time.

Can a non biological grandparent have primary legal and physical custody?

Yes the court can allow that.

If you have a criminal record would you win primary custody if you have a better environment?

Yes, though the circumstances of the conviction may be a consideration.

What does temporary primary physical care and custody mean?

Possession and control pending an evidentiary hearing.

How is a ssi disabilitie check divided on a child if the parents have joint legal custody?

the SSDI check goes to the parent with primary physical custody, that is the law

I share joint legal custody and am the physical custodian I need to find the law that states that the primary custody has the final say?

You don't with joint legal.

In California if father has primary physical custody and both parents have joint legal custody can the child choose which parent he wants to live with?

No, legally a minor has no choice in the matter.