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Q: What is that stuff called that releases in your brain to make you feel tired?
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Is honey sedative?

Honey contains glucose which informs the brain to end the production of hypocretin. Hypocretin is the chemical in our brains that triggers alertness or arousal. Without the production of this chemical, we begin to feel tired and drowsy. Yes, it's a sedative.

Does amitriptyline hcl 25mg make you tired?

does amitriptyline 25 mg make you tired

Does chlorine water make you tired?

I have found swimming in ch water is ok, but since our town was forced to drink chlorinated water as of this month, i believe it has made me very sick which is also a cause of being very tired. i cant wake up in the morning.

Is mastubating make ourself weak... how many times mastubating in a week will not make us weak for sure....?

No, it won't make you weak. Just as with sexual intercourse, or with other physical activity, you can be tired, but this passes after a while. You shouldn't expect a permanent damage.No, it won't make you weak. Just as with sexual intercourse, or with other physical activity, you can be tired, but this passes after a while. You shouldn't expect a permanent damage.No, it won't make you weak. Just as with sexual intercourse, or with other physical activity, you can be tired, but this passes after a while. You shouldn't expect a permanent damage.No, it won't make you weak. Just as with sexual intercourse, or with other physical activity, you can be tired, but this passes after a while. You shouldn't expect a permanent damage.

How do you use dosage in a sentence?

If the new medication leaves you feeling tired, maybe your doctor should adjust the dosage.

Related questions

Can the brain get tired?

Of course it can! When your tired, the brain is tired!

Can stimulating the brain while tired kill brain cells?


What determines how fast your reflexes are?

YOUR BRAIN REACTION,YOUR muscles, tired or no tired,even weather.

Why do you get tired after eating a big meal?

You get tired after eating because you burn calories when you eat. If you eat celery you will lose more calories than you eat from the celery. After 30 min. or an hour you will feel refueled.Some foods that are high in carbohydrates, such as pasta or potatoes, are turned into a chemical called "glucose" when they're digested. If your body has too much glucose, it releases a chemical called "insulin" to balance it out. Insulin reacts with a protein in your brain called "tryptophan" to create a chemical called "serotonin," which is the chemical that tells your brain when you should go to sleep! All of these chemicals work with each other, but sometimes your brain gets confused and releases too much serotonin as a result - it's harmless, you might just need a nap!Some foods are also high in tryptophan, which has the same result. Turkey and milk are common examples, which is why you may have heard that drinking a glass of milk before bed is supposed to help you get to sleep!

What happens if a brain is continuously stimulated?

You will get tired and grumpy

Why do you feel tired after sex?

Because sex is physically draining and releases neurotransmitters related to satisfaction.

Does only half of a dolphin's brain get tired?

Well the entire brain gets tired but the have to keep swimming so only half of its brain and one of its eye goes to sleep and reverse to keep it from floating to the top of the ocean

How do you say no my brain is tired in spanish?

No. My cerebro está cansado.

What is a tired person called?

A tired person can be called fatigued, weary, or exhausted.

Why do you constantly yawn when your not tired?

Yawning helps you get more oxigen to the brain.

Why do I get hungry when I'm tired?

When we're tired, our body releases higher levels of the hormone ghrelin, which can leave us feeling hungry even when we don't need food. It can also be as a result of stress

Is the brainstem the reptilian brain?

The reptilian brain contains the cerebellum and brain stem. It is present in reptiles and therefore called the reptilian brain. It is the oldest part of the brain and regulates vital functions like breathing, heart rate and flight or fight response.