

Best Answer

The black mamba,piranhas,megledon,chimps,komodo dragon, black widow,

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Q: What is the 7 predators animals?
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When animals eat other animals is that call a prey or predators?


Are llamas predators?

No. Llamas are prey animals, not predators.

What animals hunt animals for food?


What are animals the prey of?

Animals are the prey of other animals/predators.

Are animals afraid of their predators?

Yes most animals are afraid of their predators as the predator wants to kill and eat them.

What are the predators of an ostrich?

all animals are predators of an ostrich exsept small animals because ostrich are shy

What are animals that feed on animals called?

Carnivores . Predators.

What are animals called if they hunt other animals?


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Does the wild yak hunt?

No. Yaks are herbivores and thus prey animals, not predators. Predators are hunters, not prey animals.

What animals were the mammoth's predators?

Men were the biggest predators of wooly mammoths.

Do Bird have predators?

That's the way of life. Most animals have predators. Qite a few birds ARE predators.