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Q: What is the Amish position on using a weapon for self-defense?
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Where do amish bury their deceased?

The Amish are usually buried in Amish-only cemeteries. The grave plots are dug by hand using shovels. Occasionally, Mennonites are also buried in Amish cemeteries.

Are there any small towns where you can ride horses instead of driving cars?

If you are Amish or marry into a Amish family their only transportation is either walking or using horses (riding or using carts)

How do you drop a weapon on roblox?

You can drop the hat with= and you can drop your Weapon with Backspace when you are using that gear.

How do you do weapon fatalities?

depends which character you are using

How does Amish heater work?

It is just an electric heater. The only savings comes from keeping the rest of the house really chilly, and using the "Amish heater" to electrically warm a small area.

Why are Amish afraid of technology?

They aren't afraid, they just don't believe in using it and want to live naturally.

In Runescape what can you hit with 71 strength?

It is all down to what weapon you are using. If you are using a whip or a dragon weapon I would estimate something around... 17-23 as a max hit. Or if you are a free to play slightly less This could be increased by: * Using a strength potion (Super strength if you are a member) * Strength amulet or Amulet of Power. * A better weapon. Depending on what weapon you are using of course. I hope you find this helpful!

In assassins creed 2 can you control what specific counter kill you want to perform?

No, it gives you the best counter automatically depending on the position your in the weapon your using and the kind of strike the enemy used. Hope that was what you were lookin' for.

How close was Japan to defeat when the war in Europe ended in World War 2?

Very. Their Navy, their best weapon, was out of commision and they had resorted to using Kamikaze (ka-mee-ka-zay) fighters. If they had been in a good position to keep fighting, they would not have deployed Kamikaze, a last gasp sort of weapon.

What weapon does a lancer use?

Lancers were a type of cavalryman who fought using the weapon known as a "lance." A lance is a pole weapon or spear designed to be used by a mounted warrior.

Can you choose what weapon you use in the marines?

No. In the marines, like any other branch of military service, you are assigned a weapon and given ammunition for that particular weapon. You learn to use that weapon. If a marine is fighting in a battle, he can find another weapon and start using it.

How do you finish battle tower?

by using ur powerful weapon