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There is no Biblical significance to the day before Lent begins. The 40 days of Lent represent the 40 days Our Lord spent in the desert fasting and praying before he began his public life. It should be a time of fasting and praying for us, also. The day before, 'Mardi Gras,' is sometimes considered a day to go to excess on food and alcohol before the penance of Lent begins.

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Q: What is the Biblical significance of the day before Lent?
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Mardi gras, or Fat Tuesday, is the final celebration before Lent.

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The last day before the period of Lent, and the first day of it. Certain foods were historically banned during Lent, so the day before (Tuesday) was a day to use up the leftovers before the household was 'shriven'.

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Shrove Tuesday is the day right before the season of Lent begins. In some major countries it is also called pancake day, it is to begin the time when Jesus died for us until Easter Sunday.

What is Shrove Tuesday?

Shrove Tuesday is the last Tuesday before Lent and the day before Ash Wednesday Mardi Gras is also known as Fat Tuesday or Shrove Tuesday. It is the last day of feasting before Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Eggs and milk were at one time forbidden on Lent and therefore and had to be used up before Ash Wednesday, so on the Monday before lent , eggs were eaten, or gifts of pancakes, flour, eggs were handed out to prepare final meals on Tuesday. This is why Shrove Tuesday is known as Pancake Day in England.

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It ends the same day as the Roman Catholic lent- the day before Easter. But it starts the Monday before Ash Wednesday. And the requirements are much different.

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When do they celebrate Mardigras?

They celebrate Mardigras on the last day before Lent.

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What day is Mardi Gras always celebrated on?

tuesady before Lent