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No Exact Equivalent of the FBI

The function of the FBI is divided between 3 organizations:

  • MI5 (Military Intelligence Section 5) - deals with counterintelligence and foreign spying on British soil;
  • "The Specialist Operations Branch Metropolitan Police" SO15 and the "Protection Branch" - provides counterterrorism and VIP protection in London directed against political subversion and terrorism;
  • "Regional Special Branch" Units for regional police forces - carry out the same role (though the Metropolitan Police are the main "ring holder" for the country).

There is also Her Majesty's Custom and Excise, which deals with the tax inspection role of the FBI.

There is a distinct separation between Military Intelligence, Police Intelligence and Military intervention, with the civilian police formally handing over to the military for significant armed intervention (SAS). Some examples:

  • An MI5 surveillance program identified IRA terrorists who were about to set a bomb off in Gibraltar in the 1980's: The surveillance team had no experience with firearms at all and had to call in an SAS backup team (Special Air Service) to assassinate the bombers (Operation Flavius).
  • The Iranian Embassy siege (Operation Nimrod), in which the Metropolitan Police formally handed over to the military (SAS) once the first hostage was shot.

A feature of this is that in the UK an 'armed response' is seen a combat operation. Possession of explosives or firearm (because of the legal system) is seen as intent to use the weapon. You will be shot on sight. No negotiations.

Or as a more realistic answer: Serious and Organised Crime Agency (SOCA), which undertakes all the tasks the FBI do.

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MI6 but they do intelligence work as well - there is not realy a direct equivalent because of their govt structure.

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The equivalent organization in the United Kingdom to the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) is known as MI5.This is in fact a misnomer: the original office for the section was in Room 15, on the mezzanine floor of a government building ... hence M15. This was widely mis-read, and "MI5" has passed into the language. In fact, the 'head office' is no longer in that room.Like the FBI, its mandate is investigation within the country. The equivalent of the United States' CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) is known as MI6.The CIA equivalent in the UK is known as the SIS (Secret Intelligence Service or MI6) The MI5 is still the main Secret Service (SS) The FBI and CIA have field agents in the their UK headquarters that operate in The European sector. MI5 and SIS have the equivalent overseas. A large number of FBI/MI5 field agents move from country to country protecting the interest of their homeland securities.Additionally within the UK the serious organised crime agency SOCA which has been dubbed the British FBI operate but due to the nature of the UK police force and its structure no direct comparison can be directly drawn between UK and US forces