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Buddha taught that the suffering we experience is caused on deluded thinking. The reality of suffering is explained in the Four Noble Truths. Buddha's prescription for ending suffering is the Eightfold Path (Google it). The hard part is actually realizing how to follow this Path. The problem of correct approach to the Eightfold Path is often discussed in the teachings. If one were to survey all the practicing Buddhists in the world today, only a tiny percentage have been so successful on the Eightfold Path as to have awakened. However, even those who have not yet awakened have laid a foundation of awakening in a future life and also avoided much trouble in their present life.

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the nobel eightfold path

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Q: What is the Buddhist way to end suffering?
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The four noble truths in Buddhism state that human life is suffering and the cause of that suffering is desire what is the Buddhist way to end suffering?

Follow the Eightfold Path.

The Four Noble Truths in Buddhism state that human life is suffering and that the cause of that suffering is desire. What is the Buddhist way to end suffering?

Follow the Eightfold Path.

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Enlightenment or Nirvana.

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the nobel eightfold path

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That's a big question, the simplest way I can try to answer this is to go back to the four noble truths.The Four Noble Truths are the fundamental teachings of the Buddha, they comprise:Suffering - we suffer because we attach to things that are impermanentThis suffering has three causes - desire, hatred and delusion also known as attachment, aversion and ignorance.We can end our own suffering by ceasing our attachment to impermanent thingsThe Buddha presents a way to end suffering through an Eightfold pathEverything that doesn't fit within this framework could be thought to be outside of the Buddhist path.

Can you be a Buddhist and still believe in god?

The four noble truths are central to all Buddhists and might be regarded as the most important values in Buddhism. If you can integrate these with your view of your God then all well and good. They are: The truth of suffering, why we suffer. The truth of how the suffering begins. The truth of how the suffering can end. The truth of how we can end suffering.

Does accepting Buddhist four noble truths bring suffering to you?

Wrong way 'round! The Four Noble Truths make you aware that you are suffering, that this suffering is caused by wanting things that in the long run don't matter, tells you can get away from the suffering and gives you a way of doing just that.

What are the four noble truths and with what religion are they associated?

The four noble truths are the core beliefs in Buddhism. They are: the truth of suffering, the truth of the cause of suffering, the truth of the end of suffering, and the truth of the path that leads to the end of suffering.

How do Buddhist describe nirvana?

Free from suffering

What are the basic teachings of Buddhism that deal with suffering?

The four noble truths are central to all Buddhists and might be regarded as the most important values in Buddhism. Many Buddhist would not think of them as beliefs, as they can largely be proven through our own experience. They are: The truth of suffering, why we suffer. The truth of how the suffering begins. The truth of how the suffering can end. The truth of how we can end suffering.

What are some major idea of buddhism?

The essence of Buddhist teaching is contained in the four noble truths which I can summerise as: The truth of suffering The truth of the cause of suffering The trutch of an end to suffering The path to the end of suffering and ultimate happiness There are however hundreds of direct teachings of the Buddha and thousands of further explanationss by reliable and realised teachers.