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I grew up Catholic and don't remember any discussions about sex or foreplay. (Even the discussion of dancing or having Guitars at mass was considered risqué in the early 1970's.) My experience has been that Catholics don't talk about sexual issues because even thinking about anything sexual is considered a sin... == The Catholic Church forbids foreplay before marriage as it quickly incites and encourages the sexual appetites. Foreplay is properly reserved for marriage as a precursor to the marriage act and is not to be engaged in as a thrill or way of satisfying the urges that can crop up during courtship or even a communication of love, no matter how pure one may perceive their intention. Foreplay involves petting, heavy kissing, touching - obviously any type of oral sex is out of line. The reason Catholic morality is so strict on this point is not only to preserve the sanctity of marriage but also to foster respect between men and women, decency, self-control and integrity. It is also to keep people away from temptation as sins of the flesh are very easy to fall into if one gives even a little bit as the sensations are extremely pleasurable and inviting. Since sex outside of marriage is viewed as disordered - that is taken from its proper place and sacred use - anything associated with it is reserved for marriage as well.

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12y ago

The church teaches that for a sexual act to be moral, it must be open to life, exhibit mutual self-giving love, and and be performed in the commited relationship of marriage.

Premarital sex may be open to life, it may be performed out of mutual love ( although often it is only for sexual pleasure), but it is not performed in the permanent commitment of marriage, and is thus considered wrong by the church.

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10y ago

The teaching of the Church on sexuality is covered paragraphs 2331 - 2400 under the Sixth Commandment "You shall not commit adultery." (see link below). All sexuality is ordained for a union on one man and one woman in the sacrament of matrimony for the dual purposes of their mutual love and the procreation of children. This is why God created sexuality and gave it to men, it is a great gift of God, and to be used only according to the purposes for which He ordained it. Remembering all of these things, that sex is a gift from God, and is to be used as a gift from one spouse to the other, and that its ultimate purpose includes the result of offspring, when ordained by God, then, to a certain extent I would see no problem with some foreplay which is ordained for these purposes. Anything outside of the marital act, and ordained for the giving to your spouse, it would constitute a grave sin, and should be discussed with your confessor or spiritual director.

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