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The god referred to is the Apis bull and was unique in ancient Egyptian history in that it was the only god worshipped in completely animal form unlike other gods who were depicted with human bodies and an animal head. There is evidence that worship of the bull began in the Old Kingdom but reached its peak in the New Kingdom. The Apis bull was selected by Egyptian priests, their criteria being, the bull be of one colour, preferably black with various white markings of mythological significance on its head legs and tail and that he be the largest and strongest bull that could be found. The Apis bull was admired because of his strength, virility and fertility and came to be closely associated with the Pharaoh. During its lifetime the Apis bull was treated like a living god, much like the Pharaoh. He was given the best of food and lodgings and of course, his choice of the finest of cows available in the hope that his insemination of one of these would produce the next Apis bull. The bull was placed in a temple by the priests where he could be viewed and worshipped by the people. It was believed that his breath could cure all manner of bodily ailments and that just being in his presence emanated virililty to the males present. The fatuous Egyptian priests also thought the bull had oracular powers and the movements of the bull were "interpreted". In Egyptian mythology, Osiris the god of the underworld, was murdered by his brother Set (sometimes Seth) at the age of twenty-eight. Since the Apis bull was so closely associated with the Pharaoh and would eventually go to join the company of the gods in the underworld, it was ritually slaughtered at that same age with all its internal organs removed and placed in canopic jars. Its body was embalmed and mummified with lavish attention. The Apis bull was entombed at Saqqara, the original Egyptian city of the dead. When that bull was buried, the process began all over again.

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That would be Maahes, a God of War during the New Kingdom of Egypt. Also there were two goddesses with heads of lionesses: Sekmet and Bastet.

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Q: What is the Egyptian god called with the dog head?
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