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"Vous allez passer le reste de votre vie ensemble" is a French equivalent of the English phrase "You will live the rest of your lives together."

Specifically, the personal pronoun "vous" means "you all." The verb "allez" means "(you all) are going, do go, go." The infinitive "passer" means "to spend, to live." The masculine singular definite article "le" means "the." The masculine noun "reste" means "rest, remainder." The preposition "de" means "of." The feminine/masculine singular possessive adjective "votre" means "your." The feminine noun "vie" means "life." The adverb "ensemble" means "together."

The pronunciation is "voo-zah-leh pah-seh luh rehst duh voht vee aw-saw-bluh."

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Q: What is the English phrase 'You will live the rest of your lives together' in French?
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