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Aleinu is the prayer that was said by the High Priest when Musaf was recited. There is a second part of the prayer, but it was not originally part of Aleinu. The two lines in italics have been restored to most current Orthodox prayer books.

It is our duty to praise the Master of all,

to acclaim the greatness of the One who forms all creation.

For God did not make us like the nations of other lands,

and did not make us the same as other families of the Earth.

God did not place us in the same situations as others,

and our destiny is not the same as anyone else's.

For they bow down to vanity and emptiness,

and pray to a god who does not save.

And we bend our knees, and bow down,

and give thanks, before the Ruler, the Ruler of Rulers,

the Holy One, Blessed is God.

The One who spread out the heavens, and made the foundations of the Earth,

and whose precious dwelling is in the heavens above,

and whose powerful Presence is in the highest heights.

Adonai is our God, there is none else.

Our God is truth, and nothing else compares.

As it is written in His Torah:

"And you shall know today, and take to heart,

that Adonai is the only God,

in the heavens above

and on Earth below. There is no other."

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Q: What is the English translation of the prayer of the High Priest when he left the Holy of Holies as recited during the Musaf prayer on Yom Kippur?
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He entered by walking in. During the Yom Kippur service in the Holy Temple, the Kohen Gadol entered the Kodesh Kodashim (Holy of Holies) several times, to sprinkle the blood of the goat and the bull, to offer up the incense, and (later the same day) to remove the incense-burner. For more detail, see Leviticus ch.16.

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In the biblical temple, the innermost chamber was called 'the Holy of Holies'. This was the place where the Ark of the Covenant sat and G-d resided. Incidentally, the Western Wall, which is the last relic of the temple, formed one side of the holy of holies. Since only the High Priest was allowed there and only on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) some ultra-orthodox Jews will not go near the wall for fear of judgement.