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Q: What is the Five consequences of not obeying government rules and regulations in Nigeria?
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is by obeying the rules and regulations, in the Freemason.

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to make sure the banks are obeying laws and regulations

what is the function a bank examiner?

to make sure the banks are obeying laws and regulations

What is a function of a bank examiner?

to make sure the banks are obeying laws and regulations

Is obeying the law a right or responsibility?

Following the law is a responsibility. A "right" is something that has been given to you, either by a government or by nature. A "responsibility" is something you're required to, or at least should, do.

Compliance in a sentence?

Compliance is the act of complying with a command or obeying a command. The factory was in compliance with all safety regulations.

What responsibilities do citizens have in obeying the government?

People are obliged to obey the law. Governments exert influence through laws. People are not obliged to obey anything other than laws and regulations made under those laws.

What will you do if you don't do your homework?

You will take the consequences of your choices - bad grades, not understanding the material, and possibly punishment for not obeying the rules (in some schools).

How road users attitude can promote safety to and from school?

A road user's attitude can promote safety to and from school by obeying the road regulations and driving defensively.

Do you believe that a person is responsible for his actions even if that person has been told - or ordered - by others to perform those actions?

When given an order we all have a choice as to whether we obey that order or not. Not obeying may have dire consequences, but we still are obliged to take responsibility for obeying, if we do.

Is there ever a reason for a citizen of any country to reject obeying the laws of the land if those rulers do not uphold that countries values and self-regulations?

There can be reasons for a citizen to reject obeying the laws of the land. Slavery is one example of when it was better for a citizen to not obey the laws of the land.

Is there ever a reason for a citizen of any country to reject obeying the laws of the land if those rulers do not uphold that country's values and self-regulations?

There can be reasons for a citizen to reject obeying the laws of the land. Slavery is one example of when it was better for a citizen to not obey the laws of the land.