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The general email of the French embassy is

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How do you say what is your email in french?

Quel est ton email ?

How do you say can i have your email in french?

puis-je avoir votre email

What is the french word for enamel?

enamel is email in French. There is a little dash above the e and email is pronounced ('d, *en)

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'What is your Email' in French?

Your email address stays the same no matter which language it is written in.

Can you check your Email What is the sentence in French?

Pouvez-vous vérifier votre email?

What is an email called in french?

an email should properly be called 'un courriel' (for 'courrier electronique') or 'un mèl' in French. But it is still common to hear or read about 'mail' or 'email'.

How do you say 'I have sent you the email address' in French?

Je t'ai envoyé l'adresse email

Will an email typed in English arrive in France in french?


How are saying email moi en retour in English?

It's French, and says: email me back/by return

How do you say did you get the email in french?

avez-vous l'e-mail?

What do the French call the at symbol as in email adderesses?

the symbol "@" is called 'arobase' in French and spelled either 'arobase' or 'at'