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Q: What is the German word for president?
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What is president in German?

The German word for president is Präsident.

How do you say the word president in German?

Präsident is the translation in German. It is translated from English to German. German is mostly spoken in the European countries.

What is the difference between the president and the fuhrer?

President is an English word which refers to an elected official, and Fuhrer is a German word (meaning leader) which refers to an absolute dictator.

Translate this German word - chre?

Chre is not a German word

What is the German word for prime minister?

Germany doesn't have Prime Ministers, they have Chancellors, but the word they would use to describe other countries is: Bundespräsident - President

What is the German word for who?

The German word for "Who" is "Wer".

What is the German word for their?

The German word for their is "Ihre."

What is the German word for with?

"mit" is the German word for "with".

The word from in German?

The word FROM in German is von

What is the word for is in German?

The word for is in German - " ist "

What is the German word for he?

The German word for he is er.

What is the German word for when?

The German word for when is wenn.