

What is the Grasshopper sparrow?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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The grasshopper sparrow, Ammodramus Savannarum, is a small bird of fields and meadows, with a short tail and flat head. It is a streaked, brown bird, with light yellow on the shoulder. Found from S.Canada to Ecuador.

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What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the animal Grasshopper sparrow?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Ammodramus savannarum.

Do sparrow eats grasshopper?

It eats.............................................................................. something.

What eats a grasshopper sparrow?

Welll. For breakfast it has Justin Bieber's legs. Quite a delicous menu for dogs. But not for humans. For lunch it has Katie price's boobs. It's healthy and counts as one of your 5 a day. And for the main appetite (diner)... It has Miley Cyrus au four. ( in oven) and that's the menu for a grasshopper sparrow. For more menu's go to!

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Which is article use for sparrow?

a or theA sparrow landed on the roof. There was a loud noise and the sparrow flew away.The first time you talk about something ( sparrow) use a, because we don't know about the sparrow, this is any sparrow. The second time sparrow is mention use the because we now know what sparrow you are talking about - it is the sparrow on the roof.

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A Hen Sparrow.

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A grasshopper is a heterotroph.

What will sparrow eat?

Many things will eat a sparrow - the obvious one is a sparrow hawk, but many other hawks will eat a sparrow. Cats and foxes will eat a sparrow if they can catch it.

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A hen sparrow