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The most appropriate element for making a word "stand out" would be to use the emphasis element.

<em>This</em> word would be emphasized.

Most browsers will automatically turn the emphasized text into italics, but that's not necessarily correct. To be sure, you'll want to include the em element in your CSS.

You could also use <strong> in a similar fashion. Strong indicates that the word should be stressed, and most browsers indicate that stressing using bold faced text. Same as with em, however, you'll want to be sure you CSS references that.

If neither of those really do it for you, we also have <i></i> and <b></b>, which will cause the text to be italicized or bolded, respectively. The use of these is non-semantic (as they don't describe the data they contain, but merely act as a command on how that data should be presented) but they're available to us again in HTML5. Whether you want to use them or not is up to you. I have found them useful when the format of the text is being done solely for its own sake (for instance, in MLA styled footnotes, where italics and bold do not indicate stress.)

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Q: What is the HTML code for making a word stand out from he others?
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