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Q: What is the Hypothesis of the waste plastic?
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Why does the disposal of most of your plastic waste cause problems?

because most of our plastic waste is non biodegradable

What can you do with plastic waste?

recycle it

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Do you have a hypothesis?

The results of an experiment do not support the hypothesis that the experiment was designed to test Was the experiment a waste of time?

The purposes of testing a hypothesis is to test it. Pass or fail, the experiment is a "success" if it does that - tests the hyposthesis. If the results don't support the hypothesis, then that is valuable data that helps you either abandon or refine the hypothesis.

Is the aim of an experiment similar to a hypothesis?

The aim is the goal of the experiment, for example, you may be turning milk into plastic. So the aim is to turn milk into plastic. The hypothesis is what you THINK will happen. So you might think that the milk will turn into a substance quite unlike plastic. So the aim can be quite different to a hypothesis, or very similar!

Why do you need to identify waste plastic?

To recycle it

Do people waste plastic boxes?


What kind of information can be found at the website Plastic Common Waste and Materials?

The website Plastic Common Waste and Materials likely provides information about different types of plastic waste and materials, including their properties, uses, and potential environmental impacts. It might also provide guidance on recycling and proper disposal methods for plastic waste. Additionally, the website may offer resources and tips for reducing plastic consumption and promoting sustainability.

Can you put plastic in the vermicomposting pit?

no, we cannot put the plastic in the vemicomposting pit because plastic is a non biodegradable waste and non biodegradable waste cannot not be decomposed by earth worms or red worms.

What is the Hypothesis of the waste management?

could be better controlled of individual people recycled more

What is the uses of waste plastic bottle?

we will pore in that water