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determine proper fit -- if the lens remains deflected, this give an indivation of an initial proper fit

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Q: What is the LAST step for performing a negative pressure check on your protective mask?
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When donning protective mask expel the air from your lungs before performing which step?

Perform negative pressure check.

When performing a negative pressure check on you protective mask?

re-adjust the mask fit

When donning your protective mask expel the air from your lungs before performing which step action?

perform negative pressure check

When donning protective mask expel air your lunngs before prerforming which step action?

Before performing negative pressure check

When donning the protective mask expel the air from lungs before performing which next step?

Before performing negative pressure check

When donning the protective mask expel the air from your lungs before performing which step next?

Before performing negative pressure check

When donning the protective mask expel the air from your lungs before performing which?

Perform negative pressure check.

When performing a negative pressure check on your protective mask what should you do if the lens does not remain deflected?

readjust the mask

When donning the protective mask expel the air from your lungs before performing?

Perform negative pressure check.

What is the first thing you should do when performing a negative pressure check on your protective mask?

Make sure the filters are securely attached

When donning the protective mask expel the air from your lungs before performing which action?

perform negative pressure check

When performing a negative pressure check on your protective mask what should you do if the lens does not remain?

re-adjust the mask fit