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Latin words and phrasing can be different because of the different dialects. One Latin phrase for fertile is Laetitia Letitia.

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Q: What is the Latin for fertile?
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What is fertile in Latin?

Fertilis, fertile

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What does latin word fecundissimus mean?

The most common meanings are "very fruitful" or "most fruitful," and "very fertile" and "most fertile." It's the superlative of the adjective "fecundus, -a, -um."

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Most fertile is the superlative for fertile.

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It is known as the pampas (Quechua for plains); these are fertile lowlands found in Argentina, Uruguay and southern Brazil, on South America.

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That would be the FERTILE CRESCENT.

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The address of the Fertile Library is: 101 S Mill St, Fertile, 56540 4215

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NO - it is FERTILE.

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