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Q: What is the Latin phrase for ultimate source?
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What latin phrase means the ultimate source?

what Latin phrase means ultimate source Fons en origo

How do you spell fierce in latin?

The Latin word ferus means "wild, untamed, fierce" and is the ultimate source of our word "fierce."

What does the Latin phrase 'ad fontes' in english?

To the source 100 % sure

Is ie a word?

It is an abbreviation for a Latin phrase meaning "id est", meaning "that is". (source: yahoo answers).

What is primacy of love?

Primacy of love is a phrase often used in reference to Jesus or God. Since God is the source of love, this makes sense. Primacy refers to the source of something or the ultimate.

What is the ultimate source of water cycle?

The ultimate source of the energy driving it is that coming from the Sun.

What does altima mean in Latin?

I think it means 'ultimate' in latin

Latin phrase Is est ad ucti?

This is not a correct Latin phrase. It appears to be a mixture of random Latin words.

What is the ultimate source of energy for the plant?

The ultimate source of energy for plants is the sunlight which theycapture it from the sun. It is one of the main components ofphotosynthesis.

What is the ultimate source of energy for ecosystems?

The sun is the ultimate source of energy for almost all earth ecosystems.

Latin phrase for bad faith?

The Latin phrase for bad faith is mala fides. The Spanish phrase for these words is mala fe and the Italian phrase is malafede.

Where does the french word for Christmas come from?

The word comes from Middle English noel, ... which also derives from the Old French. The ultimate Latin originis the phrase nātālis (diēs), "(day) of birth