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The magnitude of an earthquake is a number used to quantify how much energy was released during the earthquake. The earthquake in Japan that occurred on Friday, March 10, 2011, had a moment magnitude of 8.9.

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Q: What is the Magnitude of an earthquake and how big was the earthquake in Japan?
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Is the 2011 Japan earthquake the worst in history?

No, but it is the worst in Japan this century. The last big earthquake of this magnitude was in the early 1900's.

What was the size of the earthquake that hit Japan?

The Earthquake in Japan was a 9.0 magnitude.

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The Tsunami in Japan in 2011 was caused by an earthquake gesitering a magnitude 9.0.

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Tt was an 8.9 on the Richter scaleand was Japan's largest earthquake ever.

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an earthquake (magnitude of 9.0).

What caused Japan's recent 8.9 magnitude?

An earthquake and the tsunami. It was the 5th worst earthquake in the world. The worst disaster for Japan.

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How does 8.9 rank out of the most powerful earthquakes?

The biggest reported earthquake had a magnitude of 9.5. The earthquake in Japan had a magnitude of 8.9, and that's the 5th largest earthquake reported.

Was there a whirl pool in japan?

No, there was an earthquake which triggered a tsunami. The earthquake had a magnitude of 8.9 on the Richter scale.