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All is well in Morse Code would be:

.- .-.. .-.. .. ... .-- . .-.. .-..

NOTE: this is in international Morse code, there are 3 kinds of Morse code

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Q: What is the Morse code for All is Well?
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Morse code was invented in?

Morse's original code was developed in the US and was later renamed American Morse Code.European Morse code was developed in Germany about a decade later.International Morse code was derived from European Morse code with a few modifications by international agreement in the 1860s. It quickly replaced the European Morse code throughout Europe for all purposes and the American Morse code for International Shipping but not on land or on coastal ships. International Morse code did not completely replace American Morse code until the early 20th century.

E in Morse code?

E in international Morse code (please note there are 3 kinds of Morse code) is the simplest of all Morse code letters, as it is the most common letter in English. It would just be a simple dot: .

Was Morse code invented in Germany?

Morse's original code was developed in the US and was later renamed American Morse code.European Morse code was developed in Germany about a decade later.International Morse code was derived from European Morse code with a few modifications by international agreement in the 1860s. It quickly replaced the European Morse code throughout Europe for all purposes and the American Morse code for international shipping but not on land or on coastal ships. International Morse code did not completely replace American Morse code until the early 20th century.

What different types are there of Morse code?

Three main ones:American Morse code (Morse's original, 1844)European Morse codeInternational Morse code (replaced the previous types in 1865)

What has the word 'dah' to do with Morse code?

Morse code is a code formed by 'dit' and 'dah'. The arrangements of the 'dit' and 'dah' all varies depending on the alphabet. On one can find the Morse code chart from 'Wikipedia', if one desires to learn to communicate with the Morse code.

What is the proper adjective of Morse code?

The proper adjective of Morse code is "Morse." For example, you would say "Morse code message" or "Morse code transcription."

How do you say off in Morse code?

off in Morse code would be: --- ..-. ..-. NOTE: this is in international Morse code, there are 3 kinds of Morse code

How do you spell killer in Morse code?

killer in Morse code would be: -.- .. .-.. .-.. . .-. NOTE: this is in international Morse code, there are 3 kinds of Morse code

Can you spell the word quiz in Morse code?

quiz in Morse code would be: --.- ..- .. --.. NOTE: this is international Morse code, there are 3 kinds of Morse code

How do you say i lovemaths in Morse code?

I love maths in Morse code would be:. .-.. --- ...- . -- .- - .... ...NOTE: this is in international Morse code, there are 3 kinds of Morse code

What is go on YouTube in Morse code?

go on youtube in Morse code would be:--. --- --- -. -.-- --- ..- - ..- -... .NOTE: this is in international Morse code, there are 3 kinds of Morse code

What is the Morse code for the letter B?

B in Morse code is:-...NOTE: this is B in international Morse code there are 3 different kinds of Morse code