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Q: What is the Negative part of a light bulb?
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Is circuit part of a light bulb?

Yes, a circuit is a part of a light bulb. It is designed to provide the necessary electrical connection for the bulb to receive power and emit light. Without the circuit, a light bulb would not be able to function properly.

What part of speech is the word light bulb?

"light bulb" is a noun.

How does a battery make a light bulb work?

A battery provides electrical energy to the light bulb when connected in a circuit. The electrical energy causes the filament in the light bulb to heat up and emit light. The flow of electrons from the battery to the light bulb creates the electrical current necessary to power the light bulb.

Is dim light part of head bulb light?

no it is where the gray or black part at

What will happen if you try to complete a circut by joining the glass of a light bulb to the batttery?

If you try to complete a circuit by directly connecting the glass of a light bulb to the battery, the circuit will not be completed and the light bulb will not turn on. This is because the glass is an insulator and does not conduct electricity. In order for the circuit to work, you need to connect the metal part of the light bulb to the battery.

What is the glass part of a light?

Tube, bulb, envelope, globe.

What is the glowing part of an icandescent light bulb?

The glowing part of an incandescent light bulb is the tungsten filament. When electricity passes through the filament, it heats up and emits light.

Did tomes edison made the glass part of a light bulb?

No, Thomas Edison did not invent the glass part of a light bulb. He is credited with creating the first practical and commercially successful electric light bulb in 1879, using a carbon filament inside a glass bulb. The glass part of the light bulb was typically made by glassblowers or other skilled artisans during that time.

How do you make a light bulb light up using a 1.5 volt battery?

To make a light bulb light up using a 1.5 volt battery, you would need to connect the positive terminal of the battery to the positive terminal of the light bulb, and then connect the negative terminal of the battery to the negative terminal of the light bulb. This completes the circuit and allows electricity to flow from the battery through the filament of the light bulb, causing it to light up.

What is the part of a light bulb that gets hot and produces lights?

The filament is the part of a light bulb that gets hot and produces light. When an electric current passes through the filament, it heats up and emits light.

What is the name of the part of a light bulb that glows?

The part of a light bulb that glows is called the filament. It is typically made of tungsten and emits light when an electrical current passes through it, heating it up to produce light.

What is the silver part of the light bulb made of?