

Best Answer
A:Catholicism is certainly a Christian denomination, and most Protestants would agree that Catholics are Christians. A small minority of Protestants, mainly 'born again Christians' sometimes say otherwise.


As the same words in the Question [“What is the Protestant answer to 'Is Catholicism Christian'?“] do mean different things to different people, it is important to understand the meaning of the actual terms used before the actual Question can be accurately answered.

What is a Protestant?

A "Protestant" refers to someone and/or organization who came out of the Roman Catholic Church "in-protest" at the Reformation.

For example, one of these organizations was the Church of England, (also known as the Anglican Church and Episcopalian Church in USA).


The word 'Catholicism' used to refer to the whole body of believers, whereas now it only refers to part .

In recent years the Roman Catholic Church [abbrev. RCC] has deliberately hijacked the term and calls Roman Catholicism as 'Catholicism'. The public now sees no difference. For example, the 'Collins Dictionary' defines 'Catholicism' as

'usually refering to the Roman Catholic Church.'


There is a difference here. A person can call themselves 'Christian' but not actually be one. A 'Christian' [with a capital 'C'] means a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ, while 'christian' [with a small 'c'] simply means exhibiting Jesus Christ's virtues such as kindness or goodness or helping others. For example, a person who is 'born-again' would regard themselves as a 'born-again believer' or a ' true Christian' but other 'believers' as just ' 'christian' or 'nominal christian' .

Christianity is properly defined by certain doctrines that are revealed

in the Bible.

It is not defined by simply saying that as long as you believe in Jesus, you're a Christian.

Is Roman Catholicism a Christian institution ?

Although there are Christians

in the Roman Catholic Church, the Roman Catholic Church

as an institution is not Christian: it is descended from Mithraism, and Mithraism came from the Babylonian amystery Religion. The Roman Catholic Church

as an institution is itself pagan.

In summary,

Although Roman Catholicism as an institution is definitely NOT Christian, some individual Roman Catholics are Christian.

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Q: What is the Protestant answer to 'Is Catholicism Christian'?
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