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You need to ask your local veterinarian this question.

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Q: What is the What is the difference between rimadyl and novox?
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What is the difference between Tramadol and Rimadyl?

Tramadol is prescribed for pain; Rimadyl is prescribed primarily to reduce inflammation, though it's believed to relieve some pain as well.

What happens if a human takes novox?

According to poison control, novox for animals is similar to ibuprofen for humans and if you are not alergic to ibuprofen you should not have a problem.

Can a human take novox prescribed for a dog?

no way

Is Rimadyl ok to give a dog?

Yes, Rimadyl is a safe daily pain medication that is designed for dogs.

Can you buy rimadyl?

You should purchase Rimadyl through your veterinarian or through a veterinary drug supply company.

Can Novox and Tramadol be give at the same time?

yes. my dog was prescribed both for pain post-op cruciate repair. he is 118 lbs and was prescribed 100mg novox twice daily and 50mg tramadol three times daily.

Can you give rimadyl to cats?

Yes and no. The manufactures of Rimadyl do not recommend giving it to cats. However, my veterinarian prescribed Rimadyl to my cat for arthritis ONLY AFTER blood tests for liver and kidney function. Additional blood tests will be performed in a month, then again in six months.

Is it safe to give Rimadyl to your cat?

If your veterinarian prescribed it.

How can you help a dog with spondylosis?

RIMADYL IS AN ECELLENT MED Rimadyl can also can severe liver and pancreas damage, especially in Labs, to which your vet should warn you before administering

Can you switch immediately from Deramaxx to Rimadyl?

I am switching my dog from deramax to rimadyl and my vet said to wait at least 5 days off do deramax before giving rimadyl. If you don't wait to switch the results are fatal to the dogs digestive system. Don't do this I lost one dog this way.

Is it safe to give rimadyl to your dog without a blood test?

It is NOT recommended

What is the shelf life rimadyl?