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The accent mark over the letter "e" is called an acute accent. It is used in various languages to indicate stress or pronunciation changes.

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What is the' over the e in french called?

The accent over the "e" in French is called "accent aigu." It changes the pronunciation of the vowel to make it sound more like "ay" in English.

What nationality is the name berube?

Originally French, where each "e" had an accent mark over it. It then became French Canadian with only an accent mark on the last "e," until eventually dropping both accent marks all together.

Where do you place the accent on the word tiene?

It doesn't have an accent mark, but the stress is placed on the first "e".

What accent mark do you use over the letter E when it sounds like a long A?

-- Words from French use a mark called an acute accentover an E to indicate it has an A (ay) sound, which is the French sound of the pair "et." This letter is found in words such as cliché, passé, sauté and résumé (where it shows the word is not the verb resume).-- Words in Spanish use the acute E (é) to indicate an E that is pronounced separately, but it has the same sound as E does normally. In Spanish this is called a tilde, whereas in English the term is applied to the mark used over an n (ñ).This accented or acute E (é) is found on the Character Map in Windows, and can also be created by holding down the ALT key and pressing 0233 (uppercase is ALT +0201).

Can you put an accent over the e in the name sydnee?

Yes, you can simply add an accent over the "e" to write "Sydnée."

Related questions

What is the over the e in fiancee?

It is an accent mark, it this case it's an E with an acute accent.

What is the accent mark above the spanish n?

the accent mark over the n in spanish is pronunced 'enyeh'. It is called the virgulilla. It is often said that it is a tilde but it is not. The tilde is on an e, i, o, u, and a.

Where is the accent mark on the word arithmetic?

The English word "arithmetic" carries no accent mark. The equivalent Spanish word 'aritmetica' has an accent over the 'e'.

How do you say the word who in spanish?

Quien, with an accent mark over the "e".

What nationality is the name berube?

Originally French, where each "e" had an accent mark over it. It then became French Canadian with only an accent mark on the last "e," until eventually dropping both accent marks all together.

How do you make an e with an accent mark over it on a computer?

you need a french keyboard i think

How do you say laughing in Greek?

γέλιο (pronounced "gelio" with an accent mark over the e)

How do you say what car do you have in spanish?

Que (the E has an accent mark over it...) coche tienes?

What is the purpose of the accent mark?

It emphasizes the part of the word where the accent is. for example Ingles. Without the accent it would simply be "Ingles." But the accent originally goes over the e. So you say the E with emphasis. "InglEs".

Is it correct to say ''Puérto Rico'' with an accent mark above the e or ''Puerto Rico'' with no accent mark?

The accent is normally omitted in English.

How do you say stepfather in french?

beau-pere, and there is an accent mark over the first e.

Is there an accent over the e or the a in Sade?

Its over the e.